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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

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And for the record, I totally watched that fucking game. No way I could miss that! So if they lost, I'm your scapegoat. I'm your Steve Bartman. :lol:

You guys can thank me. Not a basketball fan in general. Forgot the game was on. Didn't watch. Would have jinxed the living hell out of it.

Happy for Cleveland. About freakin' time.
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Mark Price, Craig Ehlo, Hot Rod Williams, Larry Nance, Brad Daugherty...this is yours, too.

My dad, rest his soul, watched those Cavs on a five inch black and white tv with an audio plug on a regular basis. He wasn't really a die hard fan but enjoyed watching those games. The season of MJ's miraculous last second shot in game five the Cavs beat the Bulls all six games during the regular season. The last game of the season they played the Bulls and rested 4 of their starters and still won and then they lose 3 of 5 to the Bulls in the first round not even making it to the second round. The next day Lenny is inducted into the NBA Hall of Fame.

My memories. TMI

My dad also recorded the Dec. 27, 1964 championship game on a reel-to-reel tape player as the game was blacked out in Cleveland back in the day. I was ten. I'm not a die hard Cleveland fan anymore but prefer them to win of course. Congrats to Cleveland and all their long suffering fans.

All good things to those who wait.

My mom went to Akron St. Mary's which merged w/St. V in 1972 so I can kinda/sorta say my mom went to the same hs as LeBron.

She passed away April this year at 94 and was a LeBron fan. So she mentioned to god Cleveland had suffered enough and divine intervention kicked in. You're welcome!

The sun is shining today in NE Ohio. Oh it's a happy day!
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