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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

I love my Cavs, but Cleveland is going to go yet another year without a major professional sports championship. Another year of Lebron in his prime will be nothing more than an amazing spectacle, yet short of a 'ship. I'd love to be wrong about this, but I won't be. Lebron will be 32 next year.
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I love my Cavs, but Cleveland is going to go yet another year without a major professional sports championship. Another year of Lebron in his prime will be nothing more than an amazing spectacle, yet short of a 'ship. I'd love to be wrong about this, but I won't be. Lebron will be 32 next year.
All with the same problems as last time bron bron was in town...
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Can someone explain to me why the Cavs can't do shit like this on offense? They should really be forced to watch every single Warriors game just to learn their offense.

They need to learn to play as a team if they want to win more than the East. Hopefully last night was a wake up call. On the bright side the Warriors have no usable film on the Cavs this year since the Cavs played like dog shit in both games. The Warriors and Spurs games are going to be must see tv. A team that has to play big against a team that loves to play small. Both with great offensive schemes.
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I do not think that they will have any problems winning the East no matter what type of offense they run because there is not much competition in the conference. Now if they played in the West, it might be a different story.

I think the reason that they do not run this type of offense more is because of one person who dominates the ball quite a bit. That could also include Irving but at the end of games is more James.

After watching last night's game, I wondered during the game if I had my choice who I would pick between James and Curry. I hate the little shit but never have seen someone who can shoot so consistently as him from the outside. Without James the Cavs might still be a decent team, not title contenders, but the Warriors without Curry would not be much.
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Watching the Warriors play is amazingly frustrating as a Cavs fan, but it's so unbelievably simple and effective.

PG with great handles and scoring ability initiates Pick and Roll with Point Forward that can score or distribute. Three remaining players stretch/space the floor. You won't convince me that the Cavs can't run this offense effectively. Love, Smith, Delly, Mo, and Jones can all hit jumpers. Tristan, Andy, and Mozgov can play from the opposite post. Best case scenario you get in a two man game with Kyrie and LBJ moving towards the hoop; if not they're attacking and passing to the open guy.

Instead we run Iso and 4 guys stand around looking at LBJ to make a move and maybe (if Andy's in) somebody cuts to the hoop. Its frustrating to watch. I remember very distinctly watching the first LBJ w/ the Cavs run and when LBJ was out, there was an offense; movement, passing, attacking. But when LBJ was in, he controlled the ball much like happens now. He is the best player in the world still, IMO, but this offense needs work.

On the ref topic. I hate complaining about refs because they are seen through the prism of a fans eyes and I get that. The Cavs got killed last night, no heart, no energy, no passion, and GSW is clearly superior to the Cavs. They won and deserved to win. Having said that, the refs were terrible last night. The level of physicality was not allowed to be even. I don't think they were out to get the Cavs last night, but they looked to be for sure protecting GSW.

And by the way, Webber is a dumbass. Andy flops and gets the call and Webber says that's a good flop/good play. The hell it was, go play soccer if you want to flop. They're not calling all of those flops anymore and thats going to cost points at a crucial time. Man up and play some damn defense. Webber, shut up.

Okay, I'm going back to my normal non-posting self now.
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Can someone explain to me why the Cavs can't do [Mark May] like this on offense? They should really be forced to watch every single Warriors game just to learn their offense.

They need to learn to play as a team if they want to win more than the East. Hopefully last night was a wake up call. On the bright side the Warriors have no usable film on the Cavs this year since the Cavs played like dog [Mark May] in both games. The Warriors and Spurs games are going to be must see tv. A team that has to play big against a team that loves to play small. Both with great offensive schemes.

I just want to know WTF Love was doing on that play............
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And by the way, Webber is a dumbass. Andy flops and gets the call and Webber says that's a good flop/good play. The hell it was, go play soccer if you want to flop. They're not calling all of those flops anymore and thats going to cost points at a crucial time. Man up and play some damn defense. Webber, shut up.
At times last night Weber would say that was not a very smart basketball play. I thought to myself well calling a timeout when you do not have any left is about the dumbest thing you can do. TNT is really hard up for color analysts and that is saying it mildly.
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I just want to know WTF Love was doing on that play............

Love- "La ti da let me run around this pick and make sure Green doesn't get the roll. Wow that chick in the second row is hot. Shit Green didn't roll and now Curry is going to have a wide open 3. I better run right at him to try to get a hand in his face. Shit shit he's driving and I have no base so I can't stop running. Man this play is going to be a Vine in 5 minutes."

The Cavs play the Nets tomorrow. I want to start every offensive set with this play the whole game. They can switch up who plays the different parts as long as someone that can hit a 3 starts with the ball and the 5 stays on the opposite post. I think both Lebron and Kyrie prefer the iso, which is why we have the non-offense that we have. Hopefully last night was a wake up call that the Cavs will either need to run a real NBA offense or lose in the Finals.
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Puke. Hopefully this is the magical turning point of the season after hitting rock bottom, just as everything came together last year at about this point in January. I know, I know, that was heavily a result of the Moz/JR/Shump acquisitions, but hopefully this year it will be the beating from GS and that little turd.
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I haven't followed GS before this year, but something has happened with that team. It goes beyond Curry.
Curry is shooting roughly the same percentages this year...as he has the previous 3 years.
Thompson hasn't made any huge improvements. Nor has Draymond.

In 11' they won 36 games
In 12' they won 26 games
In 13' they lost in the second round to the Spurs
In 14' they lost in the first round to the Clippers
In 15' they won the championship.
In 16' they are the best team in the league.

Only thing that stands out to me, is that they fired HC Mark Jackson after the 14' season.
Jackson seemed more like a rah rah guy and Kerr seems more like an x's and o's guy.
Maybe its as simple as running an offense scheme consistently and having guys who are good at making shots?

Who knows, maybe the Cavs could do something like that. lol
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I haven't followed GS before this year, but something has happened with that team. It goes beyond Curry.
Curry is shooting roughly the same percentages this year...as he has the previous 3 years.
Thompson hasn't made any huge improvements. Nor has Draymond.

In 11' they won 36 games
In 12' they won 26 games
In 13' they lost in the second round to the Spurs
In 14' they lost in the first round to the Clippers
In 15' they won the championship.
In 16' they are the best team in the league.

Only thing that stands out to me, is that they fired HC Mark Jackson after the 14' season.
Jackson seemed more like a rah rah guy and Kerr seems more like an x's and o's guy.
Maybe its as simple as running an offense scheme consistently and having guys who are good at making shots?

Who knows, maybe the Cavs could do something like that. lol
Pat Riley/Phil Jackson aint walking through that door... those are about the only guys LBJ MIGHT listen to
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I haven't followed GS before this year, but something has happened with that team. It goes beyond Curry.
Curry is shooting roughly the same percentages this year...as he has the previous 3 years.
Thompson hasn't made any huge improvements. Nor has Draymond.

In 11' they won 36 games
In 12' they won 26 games
In 13' they lost in the second round to the Spurs
In 14' they lost in the first round to the Clippers
In 15' they won the championship.
In 16' they are the best team in the league.

Only thing that stands out to me, is that they fired HC Mark Jackson after the 14' season.
Jackson seemed more like a rah rah guy and Kerr seems more like an x's and o's guy.
Maybe its as simple as running an offense scheme consistently and having guys who are good at making shots?

Who knows, maybe the Cavs could do something like that. lol
Yes it goes beyond Curry. Draymond is playing great...

This year vs last he is averaging per game; 1+ more rebound, 3+ pts, almost +4 assists, while shooting a little better overall FG%, he has gone from <34% from 3 Pt to 42.3%. Last year was his first year as a primary player in his third year he only averaged 21.9 minutes per game two years ago.

Steph's play speaks for itself. His numbers are phenomenal despite teams doing everything they can to shut him down.

So you have last years NBA MVP and potentially the best player in the league in Curry playing just as good if not better. Then you have arguably this years MVP so far in Green. And THEN you have a bunch of role players; that are flourishing because they're confident in that role and fit specifically for it.

I am not trying to be argumentative with your point, but you have the two leading MVP candidates on one team, a third guy averaging 20/4/2, plus a group of players that compliment each other marvelously. Not to mention upgrading from Jackson to Kerr (and Walton).
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Much like the worst thing that could happen to the Cavs was playing the Warriors after they dropped a game in Detroit you had to feel a little bad for the Nets having to face the Cavs after that Warriors game. Tonight will be the true test since the Clips are better than anyone else in the East. This will show if all the team meeting and ball movement talk means anything or if it was just talk after a bad loss. Iso ball isn't necessarily bad as long as the other 4 guys are moving, cutting, and picking away from the ball. Delly had a cut last night on a Lebron iso that pulled all the help defense to the other side of the lane and allowed Lebron to turn, take a step, and dunk. I would still rather run an offense like the Warriors. Kyrie came around a couple picks similar to Curry in the infamous Love Vine with the picker's man sagging and dropped a couple nice midrange 2's. If he finds his shot everything is going to open up as long as everyone else keeps moving. Kyrie and Love are the key to the team since Lebron will always get his. The better those 2 play the more shots Lebron gets at the rim rather than jacking up long 2's with the clock running down.

The good thing for the Cavs that none of the West teams have is they have plenty of time to figure it out since they can pretty much sleep walk to the Finals. We still haven't seen the Spurs and Warriors to know how they stack up. I'm pretty sure that is going to be a hell of a series.
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I know this is the Cavs forum but I was reading this article, a good read but something had me dying....


Johnny said physically Jordan and Pippen were about the same as defenders. But when you add in MJ’s ruthlessness and trash talk, that put him ahead of Scottie. When Johnny was coaching with the Hornets in 1995 they had a good team. Glen Rice, Mourning, Johnson. Series was tied at 2 and Hornets had a chance to win game 5 in Chicago. On the biggest possession of the game, Mugsy had the ball with the Hornets down 1. Jordan backed off of him and told him: “shoot it you fucking midget.” Mugsy shot it, didn’t come close. A year later Mugsy actually told Johnny Bach that he believes that single play ruined his career. His shot never recovered.

Jordan broke my heart as a young kid watching the Cavs at the Coliseum back in the day and I hated his guts, but I so wish that story was true.
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