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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

Merry Christmas all!

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Cavs can't shoot to save their lives. I'm hoping that when it comes time for the playoffs against teams like GS that shoot lights out, they figure out how to change their approach and wait for the wide open 3 before they start shooting them. They can't keep up with the pure shooters that GS has. Mozgov has had a pretty bad start and they aren't shooting well at all. Can't let GS get tuned up and start pouring em in.
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That's the third time I've seen LBJ drive to the hoop and his guy take a real quick little rabbit punch to the gut or jewels against him to try and slow him down as they make up ground. Not called one time yet. That's some cheap ass shit kind of defense right there.
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Great Game.
Easy to make excuses for this game.
Kyrie is still rusty, this was only his 3rd game of the year.
Mo seemed to still be hurt.
No one was in rhythm, shooting percentage was terrible, and we still held GS down far below their offensive average
Either way, I hope we don't see these guys in the playoffs again. lol
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God I hope I'm way off, but I really think Lebron is done. Not done in the sense that he can't play, but done in the sense that he is not leading at all and looks so freaking lethargic that he doesnt even seem like he wants to play on a given night. There's still a ton of talent but no shooters. Where'd they go? Lebron is not leading and getting guys going. He's lost some explosiveness and that happened over the last couple of years. He wouldn't allow those pansy fouls to deter him before and he's make that shit hurt. Not happening now. His focus has been somewhere else and I'm not sure where. Pray that Kyrie gets his superstar fire back and KLove plays more pissed off or they won't win the East let alone the championship.

Prove me wrong Cavs.
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Honestly, I think they were just tired.
It seems like they put a lot of emotion into the GS game, and had a lot of fatigue physically and mentally.
I say, throw that tape away and get some rest.

There's no doubt Lebron is on the downside of his prime.
I think its takes too much effort to pass the ball 5 times and get people into an offensive rhythm like the Spurs do.
It seems the strategy for this team is one or two passes to look for a shot...otherwise pick and roll, lob at the rim.
I think LeBron does a bit too much iso ball, but he usually makes a good play so its hard to complain.
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Yeah you may be right. I'm just thinking that some of those drives to the basket, the defender should have been blasted out of the way as he took it to the rim but instead they tied him up or caused a turnover or something. Not the Lebron I'm accustomed to seeing. Hopefully it is really just fatigue. Lets see if Kyrie getting his legs under him reignites that fire again.
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Question. When Mo Williams signed over the summer did he not realize that he is Kyrie insurance? The Cavs brought in all kinds of depth so that they don't end up with a 6.5 man roster like they had during the Finals. Now that Kyrie is back and Delly has stepped up his game there aren't enough minutes for Mo since it's pretty obvious that the defense would go to hell if they played together. Mo needs to keep his mouth shut and body ready for when he is needed down the stretch. He was great to start the season, but it seemed like the minutes got to him as Delly took over as the backup PG.

The minutes might shift a little if they end up having to go small down the road so guys like Mo and RJ need to stay sharp for when their number is called. I like having 2 legit PG's, Lebron, Delly, Shump, and Cunningham with the ability to bring the ball up this year in the event that the injury bug bites again. I still believe that if you had given the Cavs Mo, RJ, and Cunningham in the Finals they could have found a way to win the series.
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I have read numerous places, Mo was indeed made very aware he was signing on to be Kyrie's backup... I think Mo is disturbed that he's behind Delly in the pecking order

considering their numbers on offense are incredibly similar, and one plays substantially better defense than the other, it shouldn't be much of a surprise. add to that the fact that delly is shooting about 9% better from 3, and substantially higher than that on catch and shoot chances, and it becomes less surprising.

but the minute that shumpert, jr smith, or kyrie gets dinged, mo williams will see his minutes spike, so he should quit his bitching.
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