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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

If the Bucks can keep their roster together and stay healthy they are going to be a force in a year or two. Probably the best I've seen anyone play against the Cavs this year. East better watch out.

Meh. Relying on mediocre and bad jump shooters to continue shooting at a torrid pace isn't sustainable. The cavs were sluggish on the 2nd night of a road back to back.
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Really need Kyrie to get healthy. Love seems to still be working his way back to all-star form and Mo is coming back to Earth from his great start. JR finally seemed to have a good game until the really dumb last shot, although if anyone is going to take an off balance hand in the face 3 from 5 feet behind the line I want it to be JR. Problem was they still had time and didn't need to force a bad shot. Offense has been failing them for over a week now and it came back to bite them in the last 2. Welp 79-3 I guess. :p
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LeBron had serious brain farts late in the game

Team Free Throws
vs Knicks 18/31

Three losses:
vs Bucks 17/27.. lost by 3
vs Pistons 12/20.. lost by 5
vs Bulls 10/17.. lost by 2

Calling Mark Price... Mark Price... you are desperately needed
or probably we need a shrink and/or hynotist
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20/20 redraft since 2011

2011- Kyrie and Klay Thompson. Probably could have traded up to nab Jimmy Butler at 30 as well
2012- Andre Drummond (This is the one that I actually wanted them to do at the time, fucking Grant) Draymond Green with one of the 3 other picks we had before he was drafted although Zeller wasn't a bad move if we had kept him as well.
2013- Giannis Antetokounmpo this one's a stretch and we would have gotten laughed at more than picking Bennett until now. Also could have picked Rudy Gobert with the other first rounder. If we had made the above 2011 and 2012 picks we probably aren't picking #1 here or in 2014 or trade for Love, Shump, or JR.
2014- Wiggins (but keep him)

No real point here, just pissing on Chris Grant. This does go to show why the Warriors have won the draft since Curry. They are loaded with guys that were steals. This team would only be more stacked with Lebron: Kyrie, Klay, Lebron, Giannis, Drummond with Green, Butler, Gobert, and Delly (skipping Wiggins since it's likely we wouldn't be drafting #1) coming off the bench.
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I didn't get to see most of the game last night, but I wonder if having good defensive players like Delly and Cunningham at the 1 helped. Between Lebron, Love, and whichever other scorer shows up having another good defender on the floor might be better than a strictly offensive player like Mo. Hopefully Kyrie focuses more on his D and assists when he gets back, which should open things up even more. Good to see Andy producing. If they can find a way to get him 10-15 minutes of vintage Wild Thing a night it could be a huge help.
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I'm assuming Timo's out for a while.. which may not be a bad thing... have not been impressed with any parts of his game this year... out of condition, out of position, missing easy shots...
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I'm assuming Timo's out for a while.. which may not be a bad thing... have not been impressed with any parts of his game this year... out of condition, out of position, missing easy shots...

I didn't see him go down so I don't know how bad it looked. I don't think this team will rush anyone back form an injury until April. He has been out of shape so maybe they can give him the 2 week Lebron break to get his shit together and work on getting himself right. Andy and Kaun should be able to fill in if he is out for a while. At least it doesn't look like we will have to worry about Timo getting a max deal next summer. Something similar to what Andy got is probably fair given the cap bump next year.
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LeBron James on David Blatt: 'As great as any coach' in NBA


LeBron James flattered Cavaliers coach David Blatt with some high praise.

"He does his job, as great as any coach can do in this league," James said Thursday morning at Cleveland's shootaround before its night game against Milwaukee. "It's up for us to go out and produce."

Despite injuries to key players, the Cavaliers entered the game 8-3 and tied with Chicago for the best record in the Eastern Conference.

"I can tell you it's easier to coach a team when you have LeBron James on your side," Blatt said before the game. "It sure makes it a heck of a lot nicer. That was a nice thing to say."

Entire article: http://www.foxsports.com/nba/story/...vid-blatt-as-great-as-any-coach-in-nba-111915
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You know the injury situation is bad when the Cavs start Jared Cunningham at PG. It's actually kind of amazing they made it through last season with only 2 PG's on the roster, but I guess when the season started Buckets was their backup PG.
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Missed Mosgov like crazy tonight. Raptors destroyed Cleveland in the paint, especially down the stretch. I really thought Andy would be more of a lift in the middle but he was hardly even in the game. TT was active but he just seems like he's energy and muscle without the smarts or finesse that he needs to be an all around player.

Can't wait to see what the team looks like with a full roster. K Love has looked great so far this season, which is awesome to see, so just need to get all the pieces going. Bron has been the best 4th quarter player in the league this season and he's going to get his for sure.
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