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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

Cavs on a 4 game winning streak, would only have 2 losses without the Haywood buzzer beater.
Meanwhile Miami has lost 5 of they're last 7 games. Wade already icing his knees and taking games off.

Timberwolves are looking to trade Corey Brewer in a "growing focus" to build their team for the future by getting draft picks.
Wiggins and Bennett are too young to lead the team, the Love trade keeps looking better.
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So wait, Gay Dinosaur, what's left of Diane Wade, Luol Deng and a bunch of scrubs might not = 55 wins? Huh.

How're their "big" FA signings doing?

- Luol Deng = starting SF, performing slightly below LeBald's production levels-- 14ppg/4rpg
- Josh McRoberts= sub "stretch-4", battling foot ailments. Has appeared in 7/10 games-- 2.6ppg, 2.7rpg
- Jonathan Bender= knees are shot. Has yet to play in 14-15, and no timetable for a return.

They were all hot and bothered for Shabazz Napier. He's contributing a whopping 4.6ppg. Mario Chalmers and Norris Cole, who should be no higher than 3rd or 4th guys off the bench on good teams are starting with diane out. Birdman looks like an overly tatted 50 year old man out there. Retread Shawne Williams is starting and doesn't look like there's anybody to bump him from the job. Bosh got off to a good start, but is averaging 13ppg/5.3 rpg in diane's absence. And of course diane has sat out the last couple of games with "hamstring" issues. If they get 55 games out of him, they're lucky.

They're a mediocre team, at best. If Wade can give them 55-60 games, they might be able to eek out 45 wins. If he is hampered by injuries all year, they're a <.500 team.

Fuck the heat.
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Sloppy play has returned. Likely going to need another 4th Q comeback against the lousy 2-7 Nuggets. I know it's beating a dead horse, but these guys looks so lost on defense, it's actually painful to watch. Championship teams need to play at least SOME defense. If that doesn't miraculously get fixed, this roster as currently constructed isn't winning one, let alone multiple titles.
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Again trying to make a furious comeback in the waning minutes, but it's too much to overcome this time. Can't play like garbage for 45 minutes, turn it on for the last 3, and expect to win many. Fuck you, LeBald!

I want to go to a game just to boo these overrated cocksuckers for 2 hours.
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I doubt that the Love to the Lakers rumors were anything, but if he left, could we blame him? I just watched the Cavs go 6 straight offensive possessions without giving him a touch. And at one point, the other 4 on the floor were Varejao, Waiters, Harris, and Marion. We certainly didn't trade for him because of his defense, and it's awful hard to score without the ball. I don't think he's the kind of guy to complain about this, either. It's ridiculous.

And I'd like to trade Waiters. His idea of playing point guard is holding the ball for 18 seconds, driving, and throwing the ball to Varejao triple-teamed under the basket. Harris makes more sense to me with his defense and spot-up shooting. I bet the Cavs could throw he or Thompson to the Wolves for Brewer. I'd save the other one to get a shot blocker. The backcourt will be crowded when Delly comes back. And that's assuming we don't trade for Brewer.
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