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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

And they fight back, only to have LBJ fumble it away. Gyeh. The look on Irving's face was priceless too.

Lebron played the whole game like he was intimidated by the Spurs. I really can't stand the Spurs game. They get more calls than they should and bitch every time they don't get a call. It's amazing the game was as close as it was with how shitty Lebron played (compared to normal Lebron) and a few blatant no calls against the Cavs.
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the flops in the nba make it so hard to watch. you woulda thought ginobili got taken down by kurt rambis the way he flopped near he end on the bucket vs harris. and then not only him but Duncan and pop proceed to berate the ref as the replay clearly showed manu took a dive. fucking annoying and another reason I cant stand the spurs or popovich
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Actually impressed last night. Defense wasn't horrible like it has been. And with a bad night from LeBron and Love we were still in it til LeBron fumbled it away.

Joe Harris will be starting soon, what a gem. Perfect guy to start with the big 3. Doesn't demand the ball, can hit open jumpers and brings defensive intensity even if he isn't the best defender. That way you can bring Marion and Waiters off the bench to give LeBron more time off.

And Mike Miller... he looks totally off and there is a reason he is buried on the bench and like the ESPN crew points out last night, was being a good cheerleader from the bench (which proves he is not sulking due to his playing time, which might prove that something is off with him)
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Joe Harris will be starting soon, what a gem. Perfect guy to start with the big 3. Doesn't demand the ball, can hit open jumpers and brings defensive intensity even if he isn't the best defender. That way you can bring Marion and Waiters off the bench to give LeBron more time off.

Harris has proven better than I thought, but last night down the stretch, he made a good case as to why he shouldn't be in the game in crunch time--wide open 3 missed, and totally lost Ginobili on the layup.
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Actually impressed last night. Defense wasn't horrible like it has been. And with a bad night from LeBron and Love we were still in it til LeBron fumbled it away.

Joe Harris will be starting soon, what a gem. Perfect guy to start with the big 3. Doesn't demand the ball, can hit open jumpers and brings defensive intensity even if he isn't the best defender. That way you can bring Marion and Waiters off the bench to give LeBron more time off.

And Mike Miller... he looks totally off and there is a reason he is buried on the bench and like the ESPN crew points out last night, was being a good cheerleader from the bench (which proves he is not sulking due to his playing time, which might prove that something is off with him)

I felt the same, I saw a lot of improvement in most areas despite the loss. Especially agree on Harris, he looks fantastic considering he is 2nd round rookie. I think if we made a better effort to get Love the ball in larger deficits, we likely win the game.
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Harris has proven better than I thought, but last night down the stretch, he made a good case as to why he shouldn't be in the game in crunch time--wide open 3 missed, and totally lost Ginobili on the layup.

Actually didn't realize this until someone pointed it out in an article yesterday, but Harris played the last 17 minutes. THAT is on Blatt. So I kinda don't blame Harris since he had to be tired.

Then again, you play Harris now if you think by the end of the season it pays dividends. That is what Pop does in San Antonio. He plays his younger guys during the season (in crunch time as well) so they can be ready in the playoffs if needed.

The real hope is Waiters figures out how to play with the big 3 so he is in those end game scenarios.

This is going to be all about developing the TEAM all through the winter. Come February this team better be playing smoother.
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@ChrisBHaynes: David Blatt said Kevin Love is banged up, as a possible reason for his play. Love told me, "I'm fine. Maybe coach needed something to say."

I think over/under 25 games is more fair number for Blatt...40 was to easy
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