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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

It's nice to see a game with a couple guys on fire. If the Cavs play like this offensively they are pretty much unstoppable. On the bright side the Cavs are capable of playing even better on offense when guys like Miller, Waiters, Marion, and Harris find their groove.
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Report: Cavs' Kevin Love will consider opt-out, has eyes on Lakers
By Zach Harper | NBA writer
November 10, 2014 7:02 pm ET

Entire article: http://www.cbssports.com/nba/eye-on...love-will-consider-opt-out-has-eyes-on-lakers


Zach Harper
NBA writer at CBS Interactive
Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area

My guess is that he's probably still pissed Lebron opted out of Miami and just wants to "stir the pot".
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When that annoying kid that always rubbed his nose from "Dazed & Confused" is going ham on you, you have some post defense problems.


Also, Marion might be the only player on this roster other than LeBald that can play defense, but he is a fucking black hole on offense. Like Eric Snow powerful of a black hole.
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Yeah, I'm out. I fully expected early season hiccups, but this team sucks right now. Unless they can put up 115 a night, they're gonna struggle badly. If they can't figure out how to at least play SOME defense, this is going to be a monstrous flop. Which really wouldn't be that surprising, because Cleveland.

101 pts allowed thru 3 quarters to a mediocre boston team. Fuck these cherry-pickers.
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Yeah, I'm out. I fully expected early season hiccups, but this team sucks right now. Unless they can put up 115 a night, they're gonna struggle badly. If they can't figure out how to at least play SOME defense, this is going to be a monstrous flop. Which really wouldn't be that surprising, because Cleveland.

101 pts allowed thru 3 quarters to a mediocre boston team. Fuck these cherry-pickers.

They might score 115 and still lose by 30.
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