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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

Darrell Arthur needs to be suspended for that. I actually broke my arm in a pick-up game a few years ago on the exact same kind of play. It is unacceptable. He's lucky he came out of it without a broken tailbone, arm, or leg.

The disintegration of the passing game is entirely on LeBron. He decided he needed to score and took (and missed) like five straight shots. That killed the offensive flow. It's been mostly iso basketball ever since.

Did you guys hear about this with Waiters? http://www.cleveland.com/cavs/index.ssf/2014/11/dion_waiters_informs_neomg_tha.html I don't want this to get political or religious, but that's a very strange stance.

I want to see Joe Harris get more minutes. I think his effort d and 3 point shooting is exactly what the Cavs need.
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None of the Cavs have really shot the ball well tonight. The guys with high percentages are just taking the easiest shots. Waiters has to be one of the worst finishers in the NBA. Luckily Kyrie is one of the best.
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I'd like to see Dion Waiters elsewhere. Something about the guy just seriously bothers me. He might have had a good scoring night tonight off the bench, but I do not like him.

Rather have him wearing another uniform or out of the public limelight
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I agree, Waiters does not jive with this lineup well. But on the other hand, very different team against the Nuggets. We passed the ball well and involved everyone. Very good movement and great effort on defense. Honestly, it was the best overall performance I have seen this year.
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Love could opt-out after this season, head to Lakers:


I realize that this is on the Chicago portion of the NBA website, but it's still scary to think about. Would he be a bigger villain than LeBron if he came back in a Lakers uniform next year? It'd be close.
They signed the contracts they way they did to take advantage of the new riches of the CBA coming up...LeBron did the same thing. Given that Gilbert has said he doesn't mind paying a luxury tax to keep a winning team together, I don't think money will be an issue...he'd have to want to walk away from playing with LeBron in his prime, which I highly doubt.
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They signed the contracts they way they did to take advantage of the new riches of the CBA coming up...LeBron did the same thing. Given that Gilbert has said he doesn't mind paying a luxury tax to keep a winning team together, I don't think money will be an issue...he'd have to want to walk away from playing with LeBron in his prime, which I highly doubt.
Come on, man. It's Cleveland. He gone. :lol:
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