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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

I don't think it's the idea of trading for Love, it's why give up more than you have to to a team that does not have a guy under contract for more than a year. Past a certain point, Minnesota only has the amount of leverage that the Cavs are willing to grant them.
Well, it's still early and the Cavs can't panic now. But if Minnesota holds out long enough, then the Cavs will eventually have to overpay for Love.
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And I should say, LBJ wants Love, so I am all in. But this is where the GM and front office earn their money.

This is really the only thing that can screw it up. Griff has to talk to LBJ and tell him to CHILL THE FUCK OUT! We don't need Love today... so just chill... Minnesota will face mortality and realize Love is gone... so just chill. We can trump any trade, so don't panic. Don't you want Wiggins AND Love? Just freaking chill out LBJ and don't make this harder than it already is.
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The really amazing thing is Golden State not throwing in Klay Thompson and making this all a moot point, I mean, he's... ok.. but do you really need both him and Steph Curry not playing defense when you could have Curry, Harrison Barnes and Love?

Here's the bottom line, for GS and the Cavs, neither, and rightly in my mind are gonna part with significant assets for a one year possible rental. (I agree with the "Championship Caliber Now" argument, but not for just one shot at it) So, you get Love on a locked in, multi-year deal? Go for it, no problem.
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Where have you gone Brad Daugherty?
Not sure Brad is still in Akron... but he, Larry Nance and Craig Ehlo used to all live within a 9-iron of where LeBron lives
I know Nance still lives there.. he has 2 kids that play hoops.. daughter is top shelf player
Dougherty was a NASCAR junkie
Nance was a dragster junkie... tallest driver in the history of drag racing
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Well, it's still early and the Cavs can't panic now. But if Minnesota holds out long enough, then the Cavs will eventually have to overpay for Love.

What do you consider overpaying for Love? If you don't consider Wiggins for Love overpaying, then there really isn't such a thing unless we give Minnesota all of our 1st round picks that we acquired.

Plus this is likely to work the opposite for Minnesota. The longer Minnesota waits, the less than can get. Unless someone is willing to give them a godfather offer.
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What do you consider overpaying for Love? If you don't consider Wiggins for Love overpaying, then there really isn't such a thing unless we give Minnesota all of our 1st round picks that we acquired.
You really can't "overpay" to obtain a Big Three of LeBron, Kyrie, and Love. Those three and a cast of well-chosen role players like Mike Miller and James Jones and Anderson Varejao give you an excellent chance to win multiple championships over the next six years. You take that chance and mortgage the future. So Wiggins, Waiters, Bennett, draft picks, whatever it takes - just get the Big Three in place now.

Plus this is likely to work the opposite for Minnesota. The longer Minnesota waits, the less than can get. Unless someone is willing to give them a godfather offer.
The longer Minnesota waits, the more that demand for Love will rise, and that demand will peak at the trading deadline. Then the "godfather offers" start coming in from teams on the cusp of a championship, teams willing to rent Love for a year to put them over the top. Right now, demand is relatively light, so the Cavs can't panic yet. But they also can't wait until January, because other teams will be involved by then.
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Wait. Everyone doesn't want to live in Oakland?
Well, there is a big demand for Oakland.. however it could be a function of the police/crime stats
15.3 cops per 10,000 population.. making it one of the very worst ratios of police protection
violent crime only up 20% year to year
property crime only up 26%
so it's a hot destination for the gang syndicates
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Well, it's still early and the Cavs can't panic now. But if Minnesota holds out long enough, then the Cavs will eventually have to overpay for Love.

...or Minnesota "will" be in the tank, everyone else "will" tell them to piss off (much like the only other real suitor here, Golden State, has done), and the Cavs "will" get Love for bargain basement price. Neither you nor I know what "will" happen and there's certainly a risk that the price may go up (or down) for Love as the season plays out. But why not let the #1 pick overall show you what he's got before you overpay?
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Yep, it's insane to trade away your future to win a championship now. I mean, really, what's another fifty-year wait?

I can't believe this is even a topic of discussion right now. Your team has a chance to trade away a bunch of unproven prospects to get a freaking superstar. Kevin Love would arguably be the best player in the Cavs history not named LeBron James. Think about that for a minute.

Wiggins needs time, Love makes you championship material NOW.

I agree that there is a balance to be met in not trading away our future and also not blowing the sure-fire championship window we'd have with Love/LBJ/Irving. I am in the party who is concerned about what Love does to your title aspirations, though. He plays no defense, and I believe that Wiggins is a better fit in Blatt's system. Also having Love, Irving, and LeBron pushes the title expectations through the roof, and that puts tremendous pressure on this young roster and Coach Blatt. I think Blatt would be fired after two years at most if we don't win any titles.

Grabbing Love puts us in the situation that Miami was in during their first season together. There is no time to grow organically because you have to win THIS YEAR. Plus I don't think ANYONE can beat the Spurs while their current core is still around, so unless OKC manages to sneak into the Finals I would bet against the Cavs, even with Love. I'd rather let this team grow with Wiggins so that they're ready to win by the team the Western powerhouses aren't as good. Do you honestly believe we'd be San Antonio with no depth and little to no defense?

I think that you get 20 and 10 with Love, and I think that Wiggins brings you elite defense and probably at least 15ppg. I don't think this trade makes the Cavs the best team in league immediately, and I'm not sure how much better it makes them than they would be with Wiggins. That's my concern.

So what? LeBron clearly IS a franchise player, so Love and Irving won't need to be - they'll simply be two of the best complementary players in the NBA.

I was arguing the idea of a franchise player, not the role of Kyrie and potentially Love next year.
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The trump card is no team that Love won't sign long term with is going to trade a future star for <1 year. Getting Bennett, Waiters, and a pick or two is more than enough for a year of Love.

For the people saying trade Wiggins where to you get the other 10+ mil to even out the trade?

Haywood would have to be a part of the trade to make it work. No issues there.
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