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Cleveland Browns (2013 Season)

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Is Andy Levitre, the guard for the Bills, gonna command top dollar in free agency. Would love to see a solid guard signed. Maybe the Chargers guard who is also a free agent..

Per Mike Tannebaum of NFL Network...Mike Lombardi really likes Jarvis Jones...Idk risk worth reward?:
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Patrick Bateman;2312678; said:
Is Andy Levitre, the guard for the Bills, gonna command top dollar in free agency. Would love to see a solid guard signed. Maybe the Chargers guard who is also a free agent..

Per Mike Tannebaum of NFL Network...Mike Lombardi really likes Jarvis Jones...Idk risk worth reward?:

Anything NFL Network or any source hears at this point before the draft is most likely pure smoke screen in hopes of getting some to trade up. I still expect to see Jones fall because of his spinal stenosis.
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Patrick Bateman;2312678; said:
Is Andy Levitre, the guard for the Bills, gonna command top dollar in free agency. Would love to see a solid guard signed. Maybe the Chargers guard who is also a free agent..

Per Mike Tannebaum of NFL Network...Mike Lombardi really likes Jarvis Jones...Idk risk worth reward?:

As long as the doctors clear him I have no problem with Jones. Talent wise he is the best defensive player in the draft.
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Is Andy Levitre, the guard for the Bills, gonna command top dollar in free agency. Would love to see a solid guard signed. Maybe the Chargers guard who is also a free agent..

Per Mike Tannebaum of NFL Network...Mike Lombardi really likes Jarvis Jones...Idk risk worth reward?:
Levitre is rated the top OG in free agency but I don't know what type of dollars that position gets in the open market. Other guys that I have things previously are Schwartz from Minnesota or Vasquez from San Diego.

If they go after Jones there is no need to go Kruger. I have read that the Colts are ingested in Kruger also and he is watching big time dollars. I say get Avril and get Jones in the draft but that's the way they want to go. We really need to get some corners and linebackers in free agency.
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LitlBuck;2312688; said:
Levitre is rated the top OG in free agency but I don't know what type of dollars that position gets in the open market. Other guys that I have things previously are Schwartz from Minnesota or Vasquez from San Diego.

If they go after Jones there is no need to go Kruger. I have read that the Colts are ingested in Kruger also and he is watching big time dollars. I say get Avril and get Jones in the draft but that's the way they want to go. We really need to get some corners and linebackers in free agency.

I'd expect most Ravens D players to look at the Colts based on the Pagano connection - most have felt that Ed Reed will either land in Indi or New England because of it.
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I'd expect most Ravens D players to look at the Colts based on the Pagano connection - most have felt that Ed Reed will either land in Indi or New England because of it.
Maybe. The Colts also have a lot of cap money but we have connections to Arizona, San Diego, Pittsburgh (Horton coached there) and probably a few other places plus we have money also. The more I read about Kruger the more I am unsure because he really only came on the last half of this past season. I would not mind Ellerbe :)
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LitlBuck;2312692; said:
Maybe. The Colts also have a lot of cap money but we have connections to Arizona, San Diego, Pittsburgh (Horton coached there) and probably a few other places plus we have money also. The more I read about Kruger the more I am unsure because he really only came on the last half of this past season. I would not mind Ellerbe :)

paul kruger's emergence directly coincided with Suggs coming back from injury.
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tsteele316;2312693; said:
paul kruger's emergence directly coincided with Suggs coming back from injury.

I've been a fan of Kruger since his Utah days so I may be a bit bias but I don't think it's that. Besides, Suggs was absolutely horrible since his return, almost as bad as RayRay....

Kruger just got moved back to OLB in 2011, before that they tried him at DE. He was a situational pass rusher last year and only this most recent year was he full time at the spot, I think it was more getting comfortable being an every down LB than it was the Suggs' return, but I guess only time will tell and hopefully in a good way for the Browns....
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I think the best way for this to work out for the Browns is Kruger going to Indianapolis (weakening the ratbirds) and the Browns getting Avril and Ellerbe.

It is rumored that the Browns are interested in a RFA which is very interesting. No idea who it is.
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LitlBuck;2313596; said:
I think the best way for this to work out for the Browns is Kruger going to Indianapolis (weakening the ratbirds) and the Browns getting Avril and Ellerbe.

It is rumored that the Browns are interested in a RFA which is very interesting. No idea who it is.

Couldn't agree more with the Avril-Ellerbe>Kruger statement....Makes sense too since Freeney is out of Indy...Just worry about Kruger to Indy and we don't get Ellerbe but I definitely want Cliff Avril...Legit pass rusher!
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