DIddy isn't super dialed in.
My biggest beef with ManKok, isn't the unrest and craptacular play - Its the fact they held onto both QB's and Edwards (and Lewis/Rogers).
Prior to last years draft they (especially Quinn and Edwards) had value.
There value now is nill.
So they no have a team with the lowest talent base in the league and few viable assets for trades.
Think about it.
Joe Thomas, Edwards, Rogers, Cribbs, maybe Jackson are the only + players on the roster in my not so humble opinion.
What sort of draft picks do you think Quinn/ANderson and Edwards would fetch today compared to 6 months ago?
I'm still chapped that Savage mortaged a good chunk of the future for a QB who may not be able to play.
He must of bough Weis speil about "Quinn will be a top 3 QB in the league in 2 years". Sure he will and you will have a decided schematic advantage.