Browns will see a lot of Monday play this season
[FONT=Verdana,Times New Roman,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Cleveland now ready for prime time[/FONT]
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
BY Steve Doerschuk
BEREA It's out. It's wild.
The Browns, snubbed to the tune of eight night national TV games in nine years, were assigned five such games for 2008 when the NFL released its schedule Tuesday.
Browns owner Randy Lerner could only guess recently whether the networks would judge his team ready for prime time.
"Look," he said then, "we played hard. We won games. I think we're a worthwhile team to watch, and therefore, I think we'll get that kind of attention."
But this kind of attention? Who knew?
The Browns were assigned:
Browns will see a lot of Monday play this season
[FONT=Verdana,Times New Roman,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Cleveland now ready for prime time[/FONT]
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
BY Steve Doerschuk
BEREA It's out. It's wild.
The Browns, snubbed to the tune of eight night national TV games in nine years, were assigned five such games for 2008 when the NFL released its schedule Tuesday.
Browns owner Randy Lerner could only guess recently whether the networks would judge his team ready for prime time.
"Look," he said then, "we played hard. We won games. I think we're a worthwhile team to watch, and therefore, I think we'll get that kind of attention."
But this kind of attention? Who knew?
The Browns were assigned: