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Cincinnati Reds 2018 season (It's that time of year again)

So....follow me here....

I think the Reds should trade Gizmo. You're losing anyway and that contract is quickly becoming an albatross. Literally get any return for him whatsoever, but this team is already at rock bottom (allegedly) so they should strip it down Florida Marlins style and rebuild it. Trade Homer too if you can.

I realize it's a stretch, but actually formulate a 3 or 5 year plan like the Astros did, draft well and sign the right people at the right time and rebuild it from the ground up.

Trading away established talent for prospects fundamentally requires the ability to identify and develop talent. Seeing as the Reds are completely devoid of this skill set organizationally, I would vote against trading Votto simply because I know they will fail. I know this as deep in my soul and with as much certainty as I know the sun will rise in the East tomorrow.

That said, if an organization were able to effectively make trades then I'd say it's an interesting topic. The most complicating factor is that Votto has full no trade rights. His contract really isn't that bad for the level of production he delivers so a contender willing to pay should be willing to give up a prospect or two as well but that will be the whole crux of a deal, again, IF you can get his goofy ass to agree to a trade.
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Mildly amusing but pointless if you don't do something about the people who's job it is to identify and develop talent.

Collecting top 5 draft picks every year means dick if you don't turn them into actual talent.


For all the grief this buffoon has caused I would be remiss if I didn't have a gif for his departure.

So Price being fired

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Mildly amusing but pointless if you don't do something about the people who's job it is to identify and develop talent.

Collecting top 5 draft picks every year means dick if you don't turn them into actual talent.


For all the grief this buffoon has caused I would be remiss if I didn't have a gif for his departure.

So Price being fired

Reds right now remind me of the Indians in the early 2000s...a few good players then, but their draft and talent evaluation was utter dumbfuckery, which left the farm empty for almost a decade.
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Price has obviously not been to the Hue Jackson school of letting me see this disaster out
It's a good thing he didn't. In order to match Hue's winning percentage, the Reds would have to drop the next 81 games in a row to get to 3-96 .0313

I'm not saying that would have been impossible, mind you. Just sorta putting a number on the baseball equivalent to Browns misery.
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