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Cincinnati Reds 2018 season (It's that time of year again)

10 runs in one game is usually bad for these gobblers. Thay’ve used all of their offensive production for the next 15 games.

You sashay 9 guys out there 162 times and I guess you have to win at least 3.

Even the pitcher and Hamilton are driving in runs tonight.

They'll shoot their wad for a week in tonight's game. watch.

These no talent ass clowns are predictable if nothing else.


How did they ever win 3?
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Bryan Price,


Not worth a link. The above says it all.
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So....follow me here....

I think the Reds should trade Gizmo. You're losing anyway and that contract is quickly becoming an albatross. Literally get any return for him whatsoever, but this team is already at rock bottom (allegedly) so they should strip it down Florida Marlins style and rebuild it. Trade Homer too if you can.

I realize it's a stretch, but actually formulate a 3 or 5 year plan like the Astros did, draft well and sign the right people at the right time and rebuild it from the ground up.
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So....follow me here....

I think the Reds should trade Gizmo. You're losing anyway and that contract is quickly becoming an albatross. Literally get any return for him whatsoever, but this team is already at rock bottom (allegedly) so they should strip it down Florida Marlins style and rebuild it. Trade Homer too if you can.

I realize it's a stretch, but actually formulate a 3 or 5 year plan like the Astros did, draft well and sign the right people at the right time and rebuild it from the ground up.

The owner is deaf
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