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Cincinnati Reds 2018 season (It's that time of year again)

Ditto....listening to the bottom of the 7th last night, I was actively hoping that they would blow it just so I could come on here and laugh.

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Seems to me the most Reds thing that could happen is - now that they've gotten your complete and total submission to the vast amounts of suck they are, that they've gotten you to actively root for their losing..... they will win.... and... then.. once you begrudgingly admit to yourself that you once again have hope, they swipe the rug right out from beneath you once again and lose ... and lose..... and lose....
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Seems to me the most Reds thing that could happen is - now that they've gotten your complete and total submission to the vast amounts of suck they are, that they've gotten you to actively root for their losing..... they will win.... and... then.. once you begrudgingly admit to yourself that you once again have hope, they swipe the rug right out from beneath you once again and lose ... and lose..... and lose....

A god damned 75 win season. That’s Reds right there. Completely pathetic but still not even 100 losses. What then, do we have to show for this waste of a year in our lives? Fuck them.

They’ll miss out on the #1 pick by a few games to a team that lately has been consistently better and just had one bad year. That team, that has been consistently better, will then add that top prospect to their team and be a contender in a few years while the Reds are still limp dicking their way to shitty seasons with their slightly lower picks and draft busts.

Not necessarily following that scenario but there have been teams lately that the Reds have competed with for the worst record in baseball. Teams like Atlanta, San Diego, Minnesota etc... All of those teams get better. The one constant is the Reds staying right where they are as a bottom feeder while all other teams enjoy some form of periodic success.

This year, it looks like Tampa Bay is the competition along with KC (who won a World fucking Series a few years ago) and the obviously tanking Marlins (who still could be better than the Reds, even when tanking) and even they have a better history since the turn of the century. The Marlins suck with a purpose while the Reds don’t even do that right. They are the ultimate.
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(Gennett) has turned into a slappy.

turned into?

When you look up "slappy" in the baseball urban dictionary, there is a picture of Scooter Gennett

Mostly because his name is Scooter but in part because he hits like you'd expect a guy named Scooter to hit.

Ironically enough, you'd also expect a guy named Scooter to be an excellent fielder.....therein lies said irony.

At the end of the day though Scooter Gennett is, has been and always will be, a fucking slappy.
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