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Cincinnati Reds 2018 season (It's that time of year again)

With letters that size, I have no idea how the ever fit "Concepcion" on a single jersey.

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This and the Browns thread should get merged.
Browns comparisons get thrown around by almost every fanbase when their teams start to suck. What this tells me is that the general public doesn't fully comprehend how astoundingly awful the clowns have been for a full two decades. See, the Reds have a few playoff appearances this decade. The Clowns haven't sniffed the postseason since 2007 (they missed by virtue of a tie braker), haven't participated in the postseason in 15 years, and haven't won a postseason game in 23. They've set the pro sports standard for futility over the last three years. They have been, arguably, the worst franchise in the HISTORY of sports since their "rebirth."

That's not to say the Reds don't suck; they most certainly do, but it's going to take some significant effort to approach clowns level of futility.
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Browns comparisons get thrown around by almost every fanbase when their teams start to suck. What this tells me is that the general public doesn't fully comprehend how astoundingly awful the clowns have been for a full two decades. See, the Reds have a few playoff appearances this decade. The Clowns haven't sniffed the postseason since 2007 (they missed by virtue of a tie braker), haven't participated in the postseason in 15 years, and haven't won a postseason game in 23. They've set the pro sports standard for futility over the last three years. They have been, arguably, the worst franchise in the HISTORY of sports since their "rebirth."

That's not to say the Reds don't suck; they most certainly do, but it's going to take some significant effort to approach clowns level of futility.

I fully comprehend how bad the Browns have been. I’ve watched damn near every game since 99. The Browns should have won that playoff game in 02 and should have been in the playoffs after going 10-6. Then they’ve sucked pretty good outside of that. The Reds haven’t won any playoff series in a long time either, choked their last best shot and didn’t even belong in that playin game against Pittsburgh where Cueto went all mental midget. If we are talking what it takes to reach the Browns level, they are certainly on their way. Hell, the Browns outlook for the future is probably better than that of the Reds and that says a hell of a lot, if you ask me. This team is terrible, has 1 solid player, no stockpile of high draft picks and nothing in their farm system. This team isn’t going anywhere anytime soon and they haven’t been anywhere in quite some time as well. As a fan of both, I have no problem making the comparison, knowing that I am disgusted/embarrassed just the same by either one.

The Browns actually have to do something with what could be the ammo to move forward significantly but it’s actually a far better time to be a Browns fan than a Reds fan. No joke.
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Browns comparisons get thrown around by almost every fanbase when their teams start to suck. What this tells me is that the general public doesn't fully comprehend how astoundingly awful the clowns have been for a full two decades. See, the Reds have a few playoff appearances this decade. The Clowns haven't sniffed the postseason since 2007 (they missed by virtue of a tie braker), haven't participated in the postseason in 15 years, and haven't won a postseason game in 23. They've set the pro sports standard for futility over the last three years. They have been, arguably, the worst franchise in the HISTORY of sports since their "rebirth."

That's not to say the Reds don't suck; they most certainly do, but it's going to take some significant effort to approach clowns level of futility.
The only other run of cockfuckery that is really even in the conversation is the Los Angeles Clippers from 1980-2005. In that 25 years, they had 3 first round playoff losses, never finished higher than 7th, and squandered an infinite amount of high draft capital on guys like Michael Olowikandi, Benoit Benjamin, Bo Kimble, Antonio McDyss, and Danny Ferry. Meanwhile, they watched guys they drafted that were good, like Tom Chambers, Terry Cummings, and Byron Scott, go on to be stars for someone else. And they had Donald Sterling as an owner. That’s it. No other franchise is really close.
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The only other run of cockfuckery that is really even in the conversation is the Los Angeles Clippers from 1980-2005. In that 25 years, they had 3 first round playoff losses, never finished higher than 7th, and squandered an infinite amount of high draft capital on guys like Michael Olowikandi, Benoit Benjamin, Bo Kimble, Antonio McDyss, and Danny Ferry. Meanwhile, they watched guys they drafted that were good, like Tom Chambers, Terry Cummings, and Byron Scott, go on to be stars for someone else. And they had Donald Sterling as an owner. That’s it. No other franchise is really close.

I was with you until the part about Sterling. What’s wrong with him?

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Well no shit....it’s April. When it’s baseball’s offseason and Cleveland is out there Brownsing it up, it’ll be easier to be a Reds fan.

Let's revisit this when the Browns fuck the draft up.

It will still be April, Browns fans will have new pain and the Reds will be about 15 games back.

Then we'll have a better feel for which horror is more horrible.
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Let's revisit this when the Browns fuck the draft up.

It will still be April, Browns fans will have new pain and the Reds will be about 15 games back.

Then we'll have a better feel for which horror is more horrible.

Sure. No argument there. The smart money, until proven otherwise, is on the Browns fucking the draft up. But they might? not. It’s a mostly clean slate as far as that goes. Haslam is the wild card. He can still Haslam. But, there is promise at least until after the draft. The Reds’ season was over before it began.


The Browns even made offseason attempts to get better. Not headliners but reasonable attempts. I think the Reds signed an old threeway from Skyline.
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