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Cincinnati Reds 2018 season (It's that time of year again)

Cardinals announcers are almost as hard to listen to as Marty

Crying about the way baseball is going with all the strikeouts and homeruns (strikeouts are why scoring is down btw) then jizzing on themselves when Molina makes a productive out to the right side (runner didn't end up scoring).

I thought we had mostly moved beyond that fundamental level of not understanding run creation.

Guess not
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Voodo gorilla math fuckery is afoot in St Louis and the Reds have somehow scored 3 runs and tied it up.

Worth noting is that Scooter Gennett had to do it by hitting the same pitch on a 2-0 count that Votto took 3-2 and driving in 2 runs on a line drive single. Votto took the walk and left it for Scooter to do.

I'm all for walks and not making outs but when you are the man (allegedly) sometimes you need to drive the pitch that's an inch off the plate but hittable instead of taking it and leaving the work up to a less talented hitter.



before I can finish typing the post, Molina takes the second pitch he sees from Hughes and parks it. 4-3 cards

Tucker Barnhardt just hung his head on contact. It was funny. He knows how fucked this team is.
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Gizmo up one more time, game on the line

2 on, 1 out, top 9 down by 1

stay tuned


Takes the walk (of course)

took 3 pitches with 2 strikes that were an inch off, could have all been called strikes

Up to Scooter (again)


Double play to end it. Can't really blame Scooter. He isn't that good.
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Gizmo up one more time, game on the line

2 on, 1 out, top 9 down by 1

stay tuned


Takes the walk (of course)

took 3 pitches with 2 strikes that were an inch off, could have all been called strikes

Up to Scooter (again)


Double play to end it. Can't really blame Scooter. He isn't that good.

My hero
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I was watching Spinal Tap the other day and had a song in my head while the Reds were playing last night. It occurred to me The Reds like losing the way the lads in Tap liked big bottoms.

So, apologies to @Nigel Tufnel for any copyright infringement, I changed some of the lyrics and can't help but think the BP Reds thread regulars should all grab some bass guitars and do a cover tune. @Fungo Squiggly is most definitely the drummer.

The song if you don't recall:

Big Losin’
(Sung to the tune of “Big Bottom” by Spinal Tap)

The bigger the run diff, the higher the draft pick
That’s what I said
The more brutal the game log, the cheaper the hot dogs
Or so I have read
Losings their blood, we’ll never get any closure
I wish Manfred would contract ‘em and then start over
Big Losin’
Big Losin’
Talk about suckin’ balls
Our team loves ‘em
Big Losin’
Drive me out of my mind
Why can’t I leave this behind?

I met them in ’81, then they lost 101
You know what I mean
From Junior to Gizmo, it’s been one long shit show
You know what I mean
The front office seems to be win adverse
How much longer I gotta bear this curse?
Big Losin’
Big Losin’
Talk about draft picks
This team got ‘em
Big Losin’
Drive me out of my mind
Why can’t I leave this behind?

Not a mention of mud flaps or my love pump. I'm confused.
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I was watching Spinal Tap the other day and had a song in my head while the Reds were playing last night. It occurred to me The Reds like losing the way the lads in Tap liked big bottoms.

So, apologies to @Nigel Tufnel for any copyright infringement, I changed some of the lyrics and can't help but think the BP Reds thread regulars should all grab some bass guitars and do a cover tune. @Fungo Squiggly is most definitely the drummer.

The song if you don't recall:

Big Losin’
(Sung to the tune of “Big Bottom” by Spinal Tap)

The bigger the run diff, the higher the draft pick
That’s what I said
The more brutal the game log, the cheaper the hot dogs
Or so I have read
Losings their blood, we’ll never get any closure
I wish Manfred would contract ‘em and then start over
Big Losin’
Big Losin’
Talk about suckin’ balls
Our team loves ‘em
Big Losin’
Drive me out of my mind
Why can’t I leave this behind?

I met them in ’81, then they lost 101
You know what I mean
From Junior to Gizmo, it’s been one long shit show
You know what I mean
The front office seems to be win adverse
How much longer I gotta bear this curse?
Big Losin’
Big Losin’
Talk about draft picks
This team got ‘em
Big Losin’
Drive me out of my mind
Why can’t I leave this behind?

Turn it up to 1(2)1!
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Updated as of games played 4/14 (MLB leading stats are in bold)

Team pitching:
  • k/9 7.57, 7th worst in MLB
  • BB/9 4.51, 4th worst in MLB
  • ERA 6.04, worst in MLB
  • WHIP 1.5, worst in MLB
  • HR allowed 25, most in MLB
  • Runs allowed 89, most in MLB
Team coming to plate with bats in their hands:
  • Runs scored 42, 2nd lowest in MLB
  • OBP .302, 21st in MLB (bottom 1/3rd)
  • ISO, .091, T 2nd worst MLB
  • So they make an out 70% of the time they come to the plate and on the occasions when they don't, they do little to no damage
  • For a fun contrast to the number of HR allowed (25) they have hit a meager 9 HR's of their own.
So combine a punchless, thoroughly mediocre offense with the worst pitching staff in the league and you get the worst record (2-12) withe the worst run diff (-47) of any team in baseball.

They are already at the point where they have to play better than .410 ball over the remaining 148 games to avoid a 100 loss season.

Update for games played through 4/21

  • Runs allowed 108, 5th most in MLB
  • k/9 7.62, 4th worst in MLB
  • BB/9 4.35, 5th worst in MLB
  • ERA 5.34, 3rd worst in MLB
  • WHIP 1.46, 4th worst in MLB
  • HR allowed 31, 2nd most in MLB
Still solidly among the top 5 worst in every category but no longer the unequivocal "worst". The White Sox and Marlins are not just going to roll over and surrender the overall #1 pick folks. This will be a battle.

Team coming to plate with bats in their hands:
  • Runs scored 59, lowest in MLB
  • OBP .306, 21st in MLB (9th worst)
  • ISO, .092, 2nd worst MLB
  • HR's 11, fewest in MLB
  • They are actually just middle of the road in drawing walks and striking out
The problem continues to be a group that ranks in the bottom 1/3 of MLB in making outs, then when they actually do avoid the out they do the least amount of damage possible (Picture Votto taking 4 borderline pitches with RISP, getting his walk and then Scooter coming up to have to drive everyone in).

Team record
  • 3 wins-17 losses, worst in MLB
  • -49 Run Diff, 3rd worst in MLB
  • 2.95 RS/G, worst in MLB
  • 5.4 RA/G, 3rd worst MLB
The changes in negative Run Diff leadership really show how the Marlins and White Sox have stepped up their games. Marlins allowing 6.15 RA/G, CWS a whopping 6.65

These guys aren't fucking around. Sending a clear message that they intend to suck as bad or worse than the Reds all summer.Our boys need to bring it if they want that overall #1 next summer.


The upcoming weeks schedule does not have an automatic no loss day in it.
Today @ St Louis
Mon-Thursday vs Atlanta
Fri-Sunday @Minnesota Twins

They better pray for some more bad weather. Odds say they will win 1, maybe 2, in there somehow. This one is a actually a crucial week because its getting to the point where the games remaining are dropping enough to change the win % required to theoretically avoid 100 losses.

EX: say these cock polishers actually raise their win % and find themselves at 5-23 (.179)end of next Sunday. With 134 games remaining they would have to play .426 ball to win 62.

.425 is just a slightly shitty team who wins more than 2 of every 5 they play. There is no way....NO WAY... that these 24 limp dicks and the Fairy Flare king are going to win that much.


Holy shit. I looked at May schedule:


They have 3 games with the Marlins other than that it's 26 times they will go into the game as the decided betting underdog.

:lol: they are so fucked

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I think I found the all time Reds gif.


Some please tell me if they think differently.
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Team record
  • 3 wins-17 losses, worst in MLB
  • -49 Run Diff, 3rd worst in MLB
  • 2.95 RS/G, worst in MLB
  • 5.4 RA/G, 3rd worst MLB
The changes in negative Run Diff leadership really show how the Marlins and White Sox have stepped up their games. Marlins allowing 6.15 RA/G, CWS a whopping 6.65

These guys aren't fucking around. Sending a clear message that they intend to suck as bad or worse than the Reds all summer.Our boys need to bring it if they want that overall #1 next summer.

The good news is that even if the ChiSox and Marlins really double down on the RA/G, the Reds could lead the league in that category and still lose 121 since they score just north of zero RS/G.
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