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Cincinnati Reds 2018 season (It's that time of year again)

Turned on the game and selected the FSO feed annnnd I hear George Grande....

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Votto tries a fairy flare to LF

Cards analytics team somehow knows that is coming and has the LF playing it perfectly

Amazing what the can do with data these days. No human could ever spot that trend, I can tell you that.
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I was watching Spinal Tap the other day and had a song in my head while the Reds were playing last night. It occurred to me The Reds like losing the way the lads in Tap liked big bottoms.

So, apologies to @Nigel Tufnel for any copyright infringement, I changed some of the lyrics and can't help but think the BP Reds thread regulars should all grab some bass guitars and do a cover tune. @Fungo Squiggly is most definitely the drummer.

The song if you don't recall:

Big Losin’
(Sung to the tune of “Big Bottom” by Spinal Tap)

The bigger the run diff, the higher the draft pick
That’s what I said
The more brutal the game log, the cheaper the hot dogs
Or so I have read
Losings their blood, we’ll never get any closure
I wish Manfred would contract ‘em and then start over
Big Losin’
Big Losin’
Talk about suckin’ balls
Our team loves ‘em
Big Losin’
Drive me out of my mind
Why can’t I leave this behind?

I met them in ’81, then they lost 101
You know what I mean
From Junior to Gizmo, it’s been one long shit show
You know what I mean
The front office seems to be win adverse
How much longer I gotta bear this curse?
Big Losin’
Big Losin’
Talk about draft picks
This team got ‘em
Big Losin’
Drive me out of my mind
Why can’t I leave this behind?
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I was watching Spinal Tap the other day and had a song in my head while the Reds were playing last night. It occurred to me The Reds like losing the way the lads in Tap liked big bottoms.

So, apologies to @Nigel Tufnel for any copyright infringement, I changed some of the lyrics and can't help but think the BP Reds thread regulars should all grab some bass guitars and do a cover tune. @Fungo Squiggly is most definitely the drummer.

The song if you don't recall:

Big Losin’
(Sung to the tune of “Big Bottom” by Spinal Tap)

The bigger the run diff, the higher the draft pick
That’s what I said
The more brutal the game log, the cheaper the hot dogs
Or so I have read
Losings their blood, we’ll never get any closure
I wish Manfred would contract ‘em and then start over
Big Losin’
Big Losin’
Talk about suckin’ balls
Our team loves ‘em
Big Losin’
Drive me out of my mind
Why can’t I leave this behind?

I met them in ’81, then they lost 101
You know what I mean
From Junior to Gizmo, it’s been one long shit show
You know what I mean
The front office seems to be win adverse
How much longer I gotta bear this curse?
Big Losin’
Big Losin’
Talk about draft picks
This team got ‘em
Big Losin’
Drive me out of my mind
Why can’t I leave this behind?

I'm not sure if should take that as a badge of honor, but you can bet your big bottom I will wear it like one.

Plus....our suck goes up to #11^2.
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