I have a hard time going after this kid--or any other athlete busted for underage drinking--since I think the 21 yo drinking age is an abomination and horrible public policy. I do understand the argument that, as a high profile scholarship athlete, he is simply unable to do things that many normal college students can.
That being said, reading the UC board threads about harassing this reporter in public really shows what a bunch of idiots this fanbase is. Hey, you're ranked #5 in the country and your starting quarterback got busted for a fake id and ignoring a court order. It's going to be reported by the newspaper because it IS news. Welcome to the big time. The Enquirer is a newspaper--not a p.r. outlet for the football team.
Having read these boards for a month now, I really am beginning to understand the hilliblly mentality that led them to demonize, harass and ultimately run Zimpher out of town for firing a corrupt, drunken scumbag like Huggins. Zimpher did more to pull that university up out of the gutter than a thousand Brian Kellys, but it means nothing to these mouthbreathers. Enjoy your football success, losers.