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Game Thread CFP Semifinal: Ohio State vs. Clemson, Sat 12/31 @ 7p ET, ESPN

I don't disagree. Beck needs to go. EW needs to go back to the sideline, and we need a better playcaller. That said, Clemson is an experienced team and we aren't

Yep, we've done very well to get this far with such a young team. But for our tailback to have one carry and to not attempt a pass more than 10 yards downfield is ridiculous.
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Our defense is legit. They're getting held and still making big plays.

Thereare literally like 5 or 6 guys that are more than capable of housing it on any touch, even if the offense is sputtering.

This is not ideal. 5 years of never quitting combined with elite, if young talent all over with Urban Meyer as HC is more than enough reason for me to believe. These guys haven't rolled over yet, nor will they. The least I can do is believe in them.
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Elliot against MSU just saying

Zero carries in the 4th quarter of a game we led or were tied until the last play. It was a red flag, but then we put up 40+ on scUM and ND and moved on.

Weber may never be Zeke, but for him to have one carry in the first half is absurd.
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