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Game Thread CFP Semifinal: Ohio State vs. Clemson, Sat 12/31 @ 7p ET, ESPN

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Our defense is legit. They're getting held and still making big plays.

Thereare literally like 5 or 6 guys that are more than capable of housing it on any touch, even if the offense is sputtering.

This is not ideal. 5 years of never quitting combined with elite, if young talent all over with Urban Meyer as HC is more than enough reason for me to believe. These guys haven't rolled over yet, nor will they. The least I can do is believe in them.
i do appreciate your optimism.
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If we just get the right staff, we'll win every game.

So you don't think there are problems with the offensive staff? Yeah, the players should be playing better, but their playing won't generally be better than how they've been coached to play.

One run for Weber in 30 minutes of football. That alone is a major, major problem. They haven't even tried to get the run game going. They've just conceded that they won't be able to run. That is entirely on the staff.*

*Unless Weber has an injury keeping him from being able to tote the rock that is being hidden, but that seems very unlikely.
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