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CB Jordan Hancock (Official Thread)

  • "It's great seeing him out there... He's getting back into football shape, which is good."
  • "You can see his ability to make plays, drive on balls, ball skills ... Great to see him back on the field."
  • Day said Hancock will continue to improve each week and looks forward to having him be a consistent part of the defensive backfield on Saturdays.
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I thought he was quietly the best CB in his class. But he can’t stay healthy. I think Burke bounces back this season, and I think Igbinosun is going to be a star(he reminds me a lot of Marshon Lattimore). But if Hancock can stay healthy, I think he has all B1G talent this year and all American next year type of talent.
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I thought he was quietly the best CB in his class. But he can’t stay healthy. I think Burke bounces back this season, and I think Igbinosun is going to be a star(he reminds me a lot of Marshon Lattimore). But if Hancock can stay healthy, I think he has all B1G talent this year and all American next year type of talent.

Same here, Hancock has every single thing you want in a CB. Health is the key, just stay healthy and he should have a great year. Also concur that if you consider Burke (healthy) and Igbinosun at the position, that should be a really good unit. And if health does become an issue for any of those guys, I sincerely think Mathews and/or CSH can step up to the plate. CB unit should be much improved, but Hancock will have to be a big piece of that.
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Same here, Hancock has every single thing you want in a CB. Health is the key, just stay healthy and he should have a great year. Also concur that if you consider Burke (healthy) and Igbinosun at the position, that should be a really good unit. And if health does become an issue for any of those guys, I sincerely think Mathews and/or CSH can step up to the plate. CB unit should be much improved, but Hancock will have to be a big piece of that.
I agree with everything you stated, except... if health is an issue I see Jyaire Brown being leaned upon before the frosh. He had some really good moments last year, and showed no fear going against any WR
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I agree with everything you stated, except... if health is an issue I see Jyaire Brown being leaned upon before the frosh. He had some really good moments last year, and showed no fear going against any WR
Don't know how I forgot to mention him, yes he showed some real promise and might be next up in the rotation. In an ideal world to me we have Burke and Hancock shine (our most senior and imo most talented guys there), then Davison, J Brown, etc. can play when we need them.
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  • Davison Igbinosun, Denzel Burke and Jordan Hancock have all been consistent forces at cornerback for Ohio State, Day said. Overall, Day feels the secondary has “more depth and more length” than in years past.
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Jordan Hancock ready for breakout season following injury-plagued 2022​

After being sidelined by a hamstring injury, Hancock is ready to show what he can do at full strength

He says he’s learned how to care for his body and has matured on and off the field. These lessons have the potential to not only boost his physical game but have also allowed him time to observe and mentally prepare — an invaluable gift, given the complexities of Knowles’ defense.
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