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CB Ashton Youboty (CB Coach Purdue)

Youboty now seems backed into corner
Allen Wilson
Updated: 05/29/08

Ashton Youboty didn?t need to be reminded that the Buffalo Bills loaded up on cornerbacks. He insists he isn?t bothered by the moves, but the message sent is clear.

Heading into his third season, Youboty is already at a career crossroads. It?s time for him to fulfill the expectations that accompanied his third-round selection in 2006, and he knows it.

?I worked out hard this offseason because this has got to be it,? Youboty said after a practice this week. ?It?s not the end of the world, but I know it?s time for me to step up.?

Coach Dick Jauron said adding four cornerbacks was always part of the Bills? offseason plan, and it had nothing to do with the position being decimated by injuries last season.

But no matter what anyone says, a team doesn?t add that many cornerbacks unless it is looking for an upgrade.

Youboty now seems backed into corner : Sports Columns : The Buffalo News
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Buckskin86;1172988; said:

From a Bills fan prospective I would say support for him is about 85%. Most of the fans understand the trauma of losing his mother at such a young age and the difficulty of dealing with a high ankle sprain. Not only that but he still is very young and close to the age of many of our incoming rookies. But the other 15% expected him to come right in and be the next Nate Clements and they just want to get rid of him at this point. Good luck in OTA's and TC camp Ashton, Let Go Buffalo!!!! :osu:
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From a Bills fan prospective I would say support for him is about 85%. Most of the fans understand the trauma of losing his mother at such a young age and the difficulty of dealing with a high ankle sprain. Not only that but he still is very young and close to the age of many of our incoming rookies. But the other 15% expected him to come right in and be the next Nate Clements and they just want to get rid of him at this point. Good luck in OTA's and TC camp Ashton, Let Go Buffalo!!!! :osu:
Totally disagree. The vast majority of the bills fans have already put him in the bust category. I still think he has a future but i am in the minority.
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korchiki;1173493; said:
Totally disagree. The vast majority of the bills fans have already put him in the bust category. I still think he has a future but i am in the minority.

Well you're dead wrong because there are multiple threads on Youboty on BB.com and most still want to give him another year to see what hes got. I also think you have a loose interpretation of the term "bust". You do know he was a 3rd rounder right? I never heard anyone call Tim Anderson a bust. He was just a player who didn't work out there.
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collegebuck you really need to grow up man...I obviously would love to rep the bucks as much as anyone else but as of now AY has done nothing to deserve that type of credit...Does he have the skill and potential absolutely but that is basically the end of it...as of right now he has done nothing to deserve playing time of anykind...and im glad you were able to start a poll of 22 guys that truly speaks volumes about what bills nation feels...great work
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korchiki;1173641; said:
collegebuck you really need to grow up man...I obviously would love to rep the bucks as much as anyone else but as of now AY has done nothing to deserve that type of credit...Does he have the skill and potential absolutely but that is basically the end of it...as of right now he has done nothing to deserve playing time of anykind...and im glad you were able to start a poll of 22 guys that truly speaks volumes about what bills nation feels...great work

Its upto 49 now w/ Youboty having a 79% approval rating :). Where is this "vast majority" you speak of? Is it anything like the "vast right wing conspiracy"? I'm a season ticket holder and I have an Ashton Buckeye jersey and an Ashton custom Bills jersey and I always get compliments on them. I totally admit to loving the Buckeyes more than the Bills but you are so dead wrong on the Youboty support in Buffalo its painful. This is going to be his last year to prove himself but alot of fans give him a ton of support for losing his mom his rookie year. Are you a season ticket holder as well? If you are who are you talking to, disgruntled JP fans that just hate everyone and everybody on the team now? LOL
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Published: June 05, 2008
BILLS: Greer beating out Youboty at corner
By Tim Schmitt
E-mail Tim

ORCHARD PARK ? Perry Fewell wasn?t trying to play favorites when he met with members of the media after Thursday?s organized team activities at Ralph Wilson Stadium, but the Buffalo Bills defensive coordinator let a little insight slip into the team?s current battle at cornerback.

Fewell was praising the play of Jabari Greer, who has taken extensive job competition to heart.

?He?s really stepped his game up,? Fewell said.

Then, when asked about Ashton Youboty, Fewell was blunt with his response.

?I feel Jabari?s stepped up a little more than Ashton has at this point.?

That?s not good news for Youboty, who many originally felt would be a first-round pick in the 2006 draft. With the Bills taking three players at corner in this year?s draft ? first-rounder Leodis McKelvin, fourth-rounder Reggie Corner and seventh-rounder Kennard Cox ? it?s uncertain whether the former third-rounder from Ohio State will even make the roster.

Others at the corner include starter Terrence McGee, Dustin Fox, and Will James.

Niagara Gazette - BILLS: Greer beating out Youboty at corner
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osucollegebuck;1190604; said:
I hope he doesn't go to the Browns. The Brownies seem to hate the Buckeyes. They get rid of Simon Fraser and now how they are treating LeCharles Bentley.

I don't know if i'd fault the Browns for much regarding LeCharles Bentley. It really seems as if though it was a mutual thing. He wanted out, so they let him.

It is extremely unfortunate the way things panned out but with what happened to him, the Browns HAD to move on from that pont. And you know what? They did, because they now have a top 5 line in the NFL. When was the last time we Cleveland fans could say that? Bentley realizes that and thats not the situation that best fits someone looking to make a comeback from such a serious injury.

He's going to need to find a team with serious issues on the OL where he can get a legit opportunity to play. As it stands that opportunity just isn't in Clevelands plans while they try and make it deep into the postseason.

anyways. back to Youboty. I'd like to see the Browns take him. Not because he's a buckeye but because he's an NFL CB with "some" starting experience who has the potential to produce(especially for a coordinator who now has a track record in getting decent play out of unproven guys).
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