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Cavs 09-10 Season (official thread)

This season rests on Lebron's shoulders. For whatever reason the rest of the team plays as he plays. If he can't make a shot, and can't get to the hoop the rest off the team falls apart. I bet if he comes out on fire tomorrow night the Cavs win by 20 again. It's very easy to defend the Cavs when nobody can make a shot. Shaq was the only one that could capitalize on Lebron being doubled. Even though Shaq had the most points he didn't really play great offensively, he just got a ton of easy dump offs right under the basket.
On the bright side if Lebron does come back Mike Brown won't. If Lebron bolts the Cavs will be stuck with Brown for the rest of his contract since there wouldn't be a point to pay him and a new coach. It's sad, but for the first time I can actually see how Lebron could be better off going someplace else. They have so much money tied up in players and are missing good young talent in some key areas. On the bright side in order to win the East a team will need someone that can guard Howard and there aren't many teams that can do that.
I'm still holding out hope that we'll see game 3 Lebron for the next 2 games.
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Honestly, if Lebron leaves, looked like a given after last night, he has noone to blame but him self. When you hold a team in hostage for so long, its really hard to attract the kinda talent needed to make up for when you pull a Nowitzki. Instead we end up with Mo williams, West, Moon, Jamison (i thought was a better move than Stoudemire but doesn't look so now). Oh well I don't know what we as Cleveland fans were expecting.
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it would be fitting for lebron to leave cleveland now the way he has toyed with cleveland fans and their emotions for the past 3 years with this whole NYC bullshit...sad theres actually one game left but i already have that old cleveland feeling i usually get when i know its over...the 'Abandon all hope' feeling
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Didn't even look like he tried last night. Just standing on the weak side watching his team do everything. Then when Boston was starting to pull away LeBron hardly took a shot, and didn't even look like he wanted to take a shot. I'd say he is gone.
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billmac91;1702852; said:
Not sure why Mike Brown thinks a half-court style is our best way to win. Especially when our half-court defense is getting smoked. You want a spark for the team...tell them to play without a consience. No bad shots, green light specials all over the court, just push the f'n ball.

he doesn't. windhorst has said several times that mike brown is screaming at the team to push the ball and LBJ has just walked it upcourt.
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tsteele316;1702929; said:
he doesn't. windhorst has said several times that mike brown is screaming at the team to push the ball and LBJ has just walked it upcourt.

As he says plays are drawn up in the huddle and just not run. Do the players really not respect the coaching staff or is it a matter of Lebron's leadership (or lack thereof)?
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he doesn't. windhorst has said several times that mike brown is screaming at the team to push the ball and LBJ has just walked it upcourt.
That's what I'm thinking too now. No clue why all of a sudden the team is having chemistry/coaching issues when they've looked fine during the regular season. It looks pretty obvious that players aren't happy or somethings wrong. There's no life, no camaraderie like there was earlier.

Whatever it is, it's time to put that petty BS away. Coaches have been getting a ton of blame but like I said earlier, this is a LeBron's team. He decides what to do and where this team goes. And right now, he's the one standing around away from the ball, he's the one bottle-necking the offense by holding the ball for 20 seconds when he does get it, he's the one calling off screens when players try to help, he's the one not attacking the rim, not being aggressive. If LeBron goes out and scores 12 in the first quarter it opens up the world for the rest of the team. They are a streaky team and they'll get going too...or LeBron goes off for 48 and wins it himself. Either way, it's up to him, not the coaches. But he doesn't seem concerned and neither do most of the other guys (Parker and Shaq have played hard).

This just doesn't make sense to go this far and then things to just unravel like this. Is it a riff between players/players or players/coaches? Either way it just doesn't make sense to throw away the best regular season record for this.

Sounds like there might be quite a lot of dirty laundry getting aired this summer, barring a miracle championship run.
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I find it very weird that would lay such a huge egg at home with the series tied at 2-2. Cavs lost at home during the regular season, what like 2-3 times? Then they go and get blown out in an NBA-record. This was the largest win in NBA history when a series was tied up at 2-2. I agree with SportsFan...there is gonna be alot of stuff to come out this summer i have a feeling.
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