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Carson Palmer (Arizona Cardinals)

OH10;1210853; said:
There will be Bengals fans that hate that Carson said it. And there will be Bengals fans that simply love him for it. Many people in Cincy hate Ohio State.

What I do know is that there are a shitload more people in Cleveland that hated Palmer before this and now can't wait until he comes to the Dawg Pound after this. I personally would like to see Shawn Rogers' fat ass fall on top of his knee.

Yep. Cincitucky should probably just secede and get it over with, already. Cleveland, on the other hand...they're stocking up on Milk Bones as we type.
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BUCKYLE;1210877; said:
I've been a Bengals fan my whole life, but because of the way he talked about my REAL favorite team, he can eat the proverbial bag o' dicks.

All at once or one at a time? I say all at once, then refill the bag and make him eat some more.

Better yet, put him next to Joey Chestnut and Takero Kobayashi and see whether he can eat a bag of dicks before they eat a bag of hot dogs. If he loses, stick the remainder of the bag up his ass.
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BUCKYLE;1210877; said:
I've been a Bengals fan my whole life, but because of the way he talked about my REAL favorite team, he can eat the proverbial bag o' dicks.

I really feel sorry for the poor dumb bastards who filled that bag.
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BUCKYLE;1210877; said:
Yeah, if he would've just been talking about the game...I really don't have a problem. Forgive me for sounding..."sensative", but it's not so much what he said, but how he said it. You could hear the disgust in his voice. I've been a Bengals fan my whole life, but because of the way he talked about my REAL favorite team, he can eat the proverbial bag o' dicks. I hope they trade him.

I'm disappointed in you, kyle! you forgot, "fuck your mother" in your last post!!

c'mon, dude, at least be consistent! :biggrin:


osu.edu ROCKS!!!
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02Buckeyes06;1210639; said:
Another thing that bothered me today watching Jim Rome is Burning, is that Jim even agreed with Carson and said he is glad he said it. Sounding like he feels the same way about tOSU and Tressel, but last week he had Tressel on his show and talked about only good things about tOSU. Screw JIM ROME and CARSON (I've never won shit) Palmer.

Meh, I listened to the Jim Rome show today, I took his "I am glad he said it" as it would be good for radio/tv/discussion more than anything. As for Carson Palmer, meh, the guy is what he is, if you listened to the whole radio interview you get the idea that Ohio isn't where he wants to live, either way, he's being paid a lot of money and needs to just suck it up and say "It should be a good game" or something that doesn't leave his ass hanging out for the state of Ohio to kick.
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Wow. I've lived all but 2 years of my life (moved overseas for a couple years when I was younger) in Cincinnati, and I've been a lifelong Bengals, Reds, and OSU fan. My family had season tickets in the 3rd row of PBS (after my grandpa had season tickets in Riverfront/Cinergy for decades) right in front of the cheerleaders through the Dick LeBeau, etc. years. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm no longer a Carson Palmer fan. Going to have to get another jersey before this year, because you won't catch me dead in my #9 jersey after this. What an asshat.
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I'm just surprised the Bengals don't force Palmer to release a statement, retracting his comments, because there are some Bengal fans that are Ohio State fans first (and the organization doesn't want to alienate a part of its fanbase).

I just want to know exactly what has Carson Palmer won in his career team-wise. He couldn't even lead USC to the BCS Title Game once in his career.

I also enjoy ESPN playing his comments over-and-over again, seeming to have fun at Ohio State's expense.
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The build up for September 13th just gets better and better and better.

How can he say he's tired of hearing about the Buckeyes, he LIVES in Ohio. Well, for now, until he finds a place to live in between Ohio and Kentucky....at the bottom of the Ohio River

I don't think he realizes the fact that the media loves USC, and how a lot of the country is tired of hearing about the Trojans. It just goes to show how great it is to be a Buckeye fan, and how success makes everyone envy us!
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thedecline19;1210935; said:
Let me just say, as a Buckeye fan and as a Ravens fan, I hope this asshole gets Theisman'd this year.
I don't know if I'd go that far... I mean shit, but yeah as a Buckeye fan who grew up closer to Pittsburgh than any major city in his state (I Don't count youngstown as Major) I gotta say I hope that the Steelers beat his ass, hard, with a Foote up his ass... OK maybe as they put it on dotting the i... he could get Kimo von Oelhoffened
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to tsun with Carson "hairy" Palmer. what a DOUCHEBAG! I didn't really care for him to much to begin with, but I'm almost glad for the bulletin board material the guys will get a lot of use out of this preseason. If they're 1/10th as mad as I am about this crap, then we're gonna lay a beatdown of epic proportions on the trojans and their assclown mascot, Carson the Douche. Unfreakin believable.
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