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Capital One Bowl: Michigan 41, Florida 35 (final)

ashlandbuck;1045939; said:
"Past".....Are you going way back to '06/'07? They are one year from a NC.
UF snuck into to NC game last year (much like LSU this year.) You guys made UF look much better than they were by playing a zone defense the whole game. Mich. learned from OSU,s mistake. no flame intended.
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BuckeyeMike80;1045657; said:
The echoes of Earle Bruce being replaced by John Cooper are ringing LOUDLY right now for the MIchigan program.....if ya follow me....

Especially when Rich said he and his wife were ecstatic they wouldn't have to get rid of any of their "blue and gold" gear with the job change. :biggrin:
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SNIPER26;1045942; said:
Last year all the SEC yokels were all over Florida's nuts, but now that they lost to lowly, slow, sluggish Michigan they must be the worst team ever :wink:
You guys need to stop listening to ESPN so much. (they only say things to stir the ratings.) MOST SEC fans dont buy into the SEC speed crap. We all know OSU is a great team. LSU does have the fastest player on the field but that wont win the game for LSU.
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Man I LOVE seeing a Big 10 team take out an SEC team, especially Florida.

It makes the Big 10 look better, and in a way gets a little redemption for what Florida did last January.

The thing I loved the most about the game was how hard Tebow was hit all day long. If the Big 10 is going to get a rep about being a "big, slow conference", then we are going to be the conference to hit you in the mouth and having you remember the next morning about who you played the day before.
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HailToMichigan;1045879; said:
Picked a hell of a time, didn't he? Unbelievable....no fumbles for three years and over a thousand touches, and then two, right on the goal line. Funny ol' game, football. I ought to be mad at Hart for laughing on the sidelines after the first one, but no harm done in the end I supposed, and I couldn't help laughing a bit at the irony myself.

No "official" fumbles lost - but he fumbled last year and the ball went out of his own end zone for a safety. :biggrin:

I'm glad that streak ended since it was a sham because of that technicality.
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ScarletBlood31;1045951; said:

Man I LOVE seeing a Big 10 team take out an SEC team, especially Florida.

It makes the Big 10 look better, and in a way gets a little redemption for what Florida did last January.

The thing I loved the most about the game was how hard Tebow was hit all day long. If the Big 10 is going to get a rep about being a "big, slow conference", then we are going to be the conference to hit you in the mouth and having you remember the next morning about who you played the day before.

wisconsin played well too.. couple of plays here and there. it would have been great.
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gud2b4lsu;1045948; said:
You guys need to stop listening to ESPN so much. (they only say things to stir the ratings.) MOST SEC fans dont buy into the SEC speed crap. We all know OSU is a great team. LSU does have the fastest player on the field but that wont win the game for LSU.

It's not just ESPN. It's the national media as a whole and the trolls on various boards.
Regardless of who is saying it, it still takes it toll and gets very tiresome.
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ABC keeps mentioning how Rich Rodriguez has to be ecstatic about the team he's taking over and how they performed today. Only problem is - anybody who did anything worth a damn for them today won't be there next year.
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BuckeyePride;1045957; said:
wisconsin played well too.. couple of plays here and there. it would have been great.

The Big Ten fourth place Wisky Badgers played with and possibly even outplayed an SEC divisional winner.
scUM beats UF.
The only problem is, it probably won't matter to the national media and the SEC sycophants.
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jlb1705;1045959; said:
ABC keeps mentioning how Rich Rodriguez has to be ecstatic about the team he's taking over and how they performed today. Only problem is - anybody who did anything worth a damn for them today won't be there next year.
Whoops - no fact checking allowed on ABC these days.
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