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Capital One Bowl: Michigan 41, Florida 35 (final)

Good to see an underdog Big 10 team beat Florida, even if it was Michigan. Hopefully some of the arrogant Florida fans will learn from this.. (not you Gatorubet, you're cool :tongue2: )

I must say, I was happy for Lloyd. But I still hate his team.
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I understand why Tebow was given the Heisman. But considering he has been unsuccessful in all attempts to run a 2-minute drill to win a game this season, it doesn't sit well with me. Is the 2-minute drill kryptonite to the zone read option? Since the zone read option is based on trickeration, does it stymie the development of pure passing game by the offense? Opinions, please.
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Gatorubet;1045750; said:
What the hell???

I was referring to the fact that the Big-10 had scoreboard on UF this year, so I can't really argue about the HAHA.

Sorry you misread my intention.

Gotcha'. It's just that you responded to an Ohio St. fan laughing at Florida so I assumed you were referring to last year's NC game.
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pokey;1045755; said:
I understand why Tebow was given the Heisman. But considering he has been unsuccessful in all attempts to run a 2-minute drill to win a game this season, it doesn't sit well with me. Is the 2-minute drill kryptonite to the zone read option? Since the zone read option is based on trickeration, does it stymie the development of pure passing game by the offense? Opinions, please.
I dunno Pokey, but not pass blocking for your quarterback sure stymies it:(
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Gatorubet;1045787; said:
Arrington was better than advertised...as was Hart exactly like y'all said.
Arrington definitely played at the top of his game today. He's played that well before but not with enough consistency, not this year. He brought the A-game today, which was probably...nay, definitely one of the biggest reasons for the win.
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