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Capital One Bowl: Michigan 41, Florida 35 (final)

Gatorubet;1045685; said:
Have to give props to Michigan and the Big 10. A great win and an exciting game. While I hate to lose, I have to think that it is a nice way for Carr to go out, given everything he's been through.

Good for you being the good sport. Have some greenies!
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Gatorubet;1045685; said:
Have to give props to Michigan and the Big 10. A great win and an exciting game. While I hate to lose, I have to think that it is a nice way for Carr to go out, given everything he's been through.

What has he been through? Lloyd Carr = John Cooper. Great coach that just got on the bad side of the fans and alumni for losing to tOSU (scUM) and their bowl games recently. Still had a great run.
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