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Capital One Bowl: Michigan 41, Florida 35 (final)

Gatorubet;1045685; said:
Have to give props to Michigan and the Big 10. A great win and an exciting game. While I hate to lose, I have to think that it is a nice way for Carr to go out, given everything he's been through.


That Gator defense was horrible! If not for multiple scUM turnovers they may have put a 50 spot on the Gators. I know they lose 4 seniors on defense.
Are there any Juniors leaving?
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Unfair, Gatorubet has been more than fair.

That being said:

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scUM's defense finally came through on those last two drives. Must have just been a lot of determination to honor the coach. They had fire in their eyes. Congratulations to Coach Carr. This is actually the best of all outcomes: Florida loses, the SEC is humbled (for a moment anyway), and Mike Hart still looks like an idiot. A perfect outcome. Anyone think Manningham will return?
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ashlandbuck;1045711; said:

That Gator defense was horrible! If not for multiple scUM turnovers they may have put a 50 spot on the Gators. I know they lose 4 seniors on defense.
Are there any Juniors leaving?
Derrick Harvey will probably leave (their best DE). However, they should improve on defense in general.
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I can't wait to hear all of the sports analysts talk about how FAST michigan's d-line was. I mean they gave tebow fits most of the game. I mean...those guys were soo fast. The team speed of michigan is really scary. Wow, I think I read somewhere that carl lewis suited up for michigan just to help even out the speed factor. Nothing like fighting fire with fire.

No chance a slow team from the north could ever complete with such a speed -track and field style team like florida....

sorry....I get worked up about the mythed speed debate.
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A number of you need to cut out the garbage...if you want to be a troll, take your mindless trashtalk to one of the numerous forums that love that type of blathering.

Some of this thread has been an embarrassment to this site.
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