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Capital One Bowl: Michigan 41, Florida 35 (final)

Man, Tebow does not do well when he's forced into a passing only situation, he's going to have to work on that to keep from getting exposed next year. His throws were off, and when he couldn't run pressure got to him constantly. This is a great win for tsun, however, 4 turnovers should have cost them the game. It became obvious that when there wasn't a run/pass option for Tebow that he could get frustrated, and that's what Michigan did.

Scary that he's already won a heisman, and still has two years to improve, if his passing improves this could be an ugly couple years.
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How long before SEC fans collectively start to fall back on assigning UF the #5 SEC ranking, in complete contrast to the elite SEC status they had before today? (Did they not have the elite SEC status?) That may be the only way for their conference to preserve the national respect off of which they (present company excepted of course) seem to live.
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OCBucksFan;1045827; said:
Man, Tebow does not do well when he's forced into a passing only situation, he's going to have to work on that to keep from getting exposed next year. His throws were off, and when he couldn't run pressure got to him constantly. This is a great win for tsun, however, 4 turnovers should have cost them the game. It became obvious that when there wasn't a run/pass option for Tebow that he could get frustrated, and that's what Michigan did.

Scary that he's already won a heisman, and still has two years to improve, if his passing improves this could be an ugly couple years.

Brilliant observation!
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jlb1705;1045844; said:
M*ch*g*n did thoroughly dominate in the trenches. Their secondary, linebackers, and a certain mouthy RB with the dropsies kept Florida in it.
Picked a hell of a time, didn't he? Unbelievable....no fumbles for three years and over a thousand touches, and then two, right on the goal line. Funny ol' game, football. I ought to be mad at Hart for laughing on the sidelines after the first one, but no harm done in the end I supposed, and I couldn't help laughing a bit at the irony myself.
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pokey;1045755; said:
I understand why Tebow was given the Heisman. But considering he has been unsuccessful in all attempts to run a 2-minute drill to win a game this season, it doesn't sit well with me. Is the 2-minute drill kryptonite to the zone read option? Since the zone read option is based on trickeration, does it stymie the development of pure passing game by the offense? Opinions, please.
Heisman Trophy = Bowl game kryptonite

Congrats to Michigan for sending Carr out on the right foot!
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OCBucksFan;1045827; said:
Man, Tebow does not do well when he's forced into a passing only situation, he's going to have to work on that to keep from getting exposed next year. His throws were off, and when he couldn't run pressure got to him constantly. This is a great win for tsun, however, 4 turnovers should have cost them the game. It became obvious that when there wasn't a run/pass option for Tebow that he could get frustrated, and that's what Michigan did.

Scary that he's already won a heisman, and still has two years to improve, if his passing improves this could be an ugly couple years.
Which makes it kind of funny, doesn't it, that Meyer wants Tebow to run less next year and focus on passing only?

During the game I was even kind of thinking that running is Tebow's best skill, it's what won him the Heisman, and maybe they ought to have him be a running back instead of a quarterback. Or even a WR, he's a big guy. He might well be asked to convert to WR in the pros.
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Zem;1045828; said:
How long before SEC fans collectively start to fall back on assigning UF the #5 SEC ranking, in complete contrast to the elite SEC status they had before today? (Did they not have the elite SEC status?) That may be the only way for their conference to preserve the national respect off of which they (present company excepted of course) seem to live.
I think ESPN and a some fans in the North still consider UF a Top SEC Team. As for as SEC fans we do not. UF is a good team but not a juggarnaut of the past. UF does not strike fear in SEC teams like they used too. Im a Tiger fan and I feel LSU can beat UF every time they match up. So does Auburn, Georgia, Tenn.
It was still a good win for Mich. today. It was a fun game to watch. Geaux Tigers.
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gud2b4lsu;1045901; said:
I think ESPN and a some fans in the North still consider UF a Top SEC Team. As for as SEC fans we do not. UF is a good team but not a juggarnaut of the past. UF does not strike fear in SEC teams like they used too. Im a Tiger fan and I feel LSU can beat UF every time they match up. So does Auburn, Georgia, Tenn.
It was still a good win for Mich. today. It was a fun game to watch. Geaux Tigers.

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