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C LeCharles Bentley (2001 Rimington Award & 2 time Pro Bowler)

thought I read.. that the Browns intend to be VERY critical in his medical exam.. they want to make double sure all is OK...

fingers AND toes crossed

but I must add... I know a LOT about Dr Warren....

and he is considered the BEST of the BEST in his field...

no one better on planet Earth...
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If LeCharles can come back and play the way he used to, then that definitely fixes our interior line problem. If he won't be back until the final preseason game, and if his knees can handle playing gurad, then I would love to have him play right guard, letting Fraley stay at center, and continue making the line calls that he's been making all through training camp.
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Just caught back up with this story in the last couple days...

Probalby hadn't checked in on LeCharles since around the draft... and... considering what I read at that time... this is nothing short of astonishing...

Tell you what... I'm sure to come from almost having your leg amputated to getting cleared for training camp... got to feel good for LeCharles... hope he keeps progressing back to that road grader we all know.
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Bentley stays in garage
JEFF SCHUDEL, Morning Journal Writer
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BEREA -- LeCharles Bentley's status for 2007 with the Browns is as murky as ever.

Hopes Bentley could play in preseason and be ready for the opener against the Steelers Sept. 9 were dashed, at least for now, when General Manager Phil Savage announced Bentley will not be evaluated again until the end of August. The Browns, after meeting with Bentley and his agent yesterday, decided to delay giving him a physical until then.

The Morning Journal - Bentley stays in garage
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Bentley's return delayed

Browns give center more time to heal after knee surgery and staph infection

By Patrick McManamon

Beacon Journal sportswriter

BEREA - The comeback of center LeCharles Bentley was put on a one-month hold Friday.
``We'll see where we are four weeks from now in terms of LeCharles passing a physical to get on the football field for practice or a game,'' Browns General Manager Phil Savage said just before the opening of training camp.
Bottom line: The Browns did not think that Bentley was ready to practice, so they urged him to continue his rehab so that he might be stronger if and when he does come back.
``He's not quite ready to put on equipment and go out there and practice on the football field with us,'' Savage said. ``I think he and his agent would agree that he's not there to do that yet.''

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All Bentley wants is to get back on the field for Browns
Monday, August 6, 2007 3:21 AM
By James Walker

BEREA -- LeCharles Bentley appeared at his first Browns practice of the season yesterday, not participating but reiterating his goal of playing this season.

After a year of dealing with a knee injury, surgery and subsequent staph infection, the Browns center and former Ohio State standout is relatively healthy. Now it's a question of whether he will be able to return to the NFL.

"I'm just here to play ball. That's all I want to do," Bentley said. "If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, then I'll pack (up) and go home. That's just the way it is."

Bentley, who says he is about 70 percent of the way back, spends most of his time working out off-site and attending team meetings in Berea.

"He wants to be a Brown, and we're glad to have him around so he can get to know his teammates," coach Romeo Crennel said.

The Columbus Dispatch : All Bentley wants is to get back on the field

Cleveland Browns center LeCharles Bentley's knee 70 percent
Monday, August 06, 2007
Mary Kay Cabot
Plain Dealer Reporter

Browns center LeCharles Bentley said Sunday he thinks his chances of playing this season are still pretty good despite the fact his surgically repaired knee is only about 70 percent healed.

"I'm just staying the course," said Bentley, who attended practice and spoke publicly for the first time since the beginning of camp.

"Things are going pretty well, and we'll just see how they play out."

cleveland.com: Everything Cleveland

Bentley just hoping to get to '90 percent'
Monday, August 6, 2007

BEREA LeCharles Bentley acted like Superman when he signed with his hometown team on March 11, 2006.

As the former New Orleans Saints Pro Bowler met the press, he ripped open his coat to reveal a Browns jersey, Man of Steel style.

Now, emerging from a medical nightmare, Bentley tells a Superman joke that sounds slightly jaded. It comes after Sunday's practice, his first practice - such as it was - since blowing out a patellar tendon at the dawn of the '06 training camp.

How far along is he in his rehab?

"I can leap tall buildings in a single bound," he says


Bentley feels 70 percent
Browns lineman wants knee back to 90 percent

By Patrick McManamonBeacon Journal sportswriter

Published on Monday, Aug 06, 2007

BEREA: LeCharles Bentley spent his first practice with his teammates Sunday, then addressed how far he has to go to get back on the field this season when he was asked what percentage his knee is compared to full strength.

''I would guesstimate in the high 60s, maybe 70 percent right now,'' Bentley said. ''That 30 percent is a big 30 percent, but I'll never be 100 percent and I'm not expecting it to be.

''If I can get it in the 90s, that's good enough.''

Ohio.com - Bentley feels 70 percent
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Browns' Bentley renews a dream
Center refuses to quit despite injury, infection
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Mary Kay Cabot
Plain Dealer Reporter

cleveland.com: Everything Cleveland

Sunday, August 12, 2007
Browns center LeCharles Bentley is rehabilitating his reconstructed left knee with his own trainer in anticipation of taking a Browns physical at the end of August. About his situation:

cleveland.com: Everything Cleveland
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Browns make move with Bentley
By Beacon Journal staff report

POSTED: 02:53 p.m. EDT, Aug 28, 2007

The Browns placed center LeCharles Bentley on the Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform (Reserve/PUP) list today. The roster move was made this afternoon to get down to the NFL mandated 75-man roster limit by 4 p.m. today.

During the first six weeks of the regular season, Bentley will be allowed to attend meetings and continue rehabilitation at the club facility, but he is not eligible to practice with the club. After the sixth week, the club has a three-week window (Weeks 7-9) to allow Bentley to begin practicing with the club. Once the player begins practice, he can practice for three weeks before the club must make a decision as to his roster status.

At any point following the sixth week of the regular season through the expiration of the player's three week practice window, the club can add the player to the 53-man roster or place the player on Reserve/Injured. Additionally, at the expiration of the practice window, the club can allow the player to remain on Reserve/PUP for the remainder of the season.

The Browns placed center LeCharles Bentley on the Reserve/Physically Unable to Perform (Reserve/PUP) list today. The roster move was made this afternoon to get down to the NFL mandated 75-man roster limit by 4 p.m. today.

Ohio.com - Browns make move with Bentley
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Bentley's comeback put on hold
JEFF SCHUDEL, Morning Journal Writer

''I felt like LeCharles needs more time,'' coach Romeo Crennel said. ''During that window in October, we can get him out on the field and see where he's at. He wants to play because he wants to be a Brown. That's been his lifelong dream to line up on the field on gameday.

''LeCharles was disappointed but we've sat down and talked about it in my office every week since he's been back. I've told him all along that I want what's best for him. I was going to make sure, in my mind that he's ready to go before I let him do everything.''

The Morning Journal - Bentley's comeback put on hold
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Bentley move buys time for Browns

Center on physically unable to perform list, could play in Week 7.

By Sean McClelland
Staff Writer

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
LeCharles Bentley's path to playing again took a new twist Tuesday when the Browns placed the center on the physically unable to perform list.
Bentley missed the 2006 season after rupturing his left patellar tendon and undergoing four surgeries. The move gives his knee more time to heal while getting the Browns down to the NFL-mandated roster limit of 75.

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Browns' Bentley out until at least October

Wednesday, August 29, 2007 3:41 AM
By James Walker


BEREA -- The Cleveland Browns put center LeCharles Bentley on the physically-unable-to-perform list yesterday. The former Pro Bowler and Ohio State standout is trying to recover from four left knee surgeries, which involved a torn patellar tendon and a subsequent staff infection, in the past year.

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