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C LeCharles Bentley (2001 Rimington Award & 2 time Pro Bowler)

He's being replaced by a show with Bruce Fooley and Chris Fedor. Seriously.

ESPNCleveland is still ESPN. LCB was too substantive and honest for them. They prefer loudmouths who just say the dumbest shit to get a rise out of people. I now need another drive-time show and it damn sure isn't going to be the Common Man and the Turd.
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OH10;2001559; said:
He's being replaced by a show with Bruce Fooley and Chris Fedor. Seriously.

ESPNCleveland is still ESPN. LCB was too substantive and honest for them. They prefer loudmouths who just say the dumbest shit to get a rise out of people. I now need another drive-time show and it damn sure isn't going to be the Common Man and the Turd.

Now that I live in Detoilet I can actually pick up 850's signal on my commute. I can guarantee that I will never listen to Hooley on the way home. I did used to listen to LeCharles' show - X's and O's w the Pros every now and then.

Hopefully people just don't turn into his show. Reacting to him is what the station wants.
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Damn shame what happened to LeCharles' football career. Primed to make big money and start for his hometown Browns and it all went wrong in a hurry.
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I'd bet it mostly came from pressure from above. He really laid ESPN out. ESPN owns the rights to that station. My guess is LeCharles out, Hooley (OSU hater) in. It's not that complicated and a very easy business decision on their part.

It's to bad most sports fan are only casual fans..meaning they'll accept what they hear from an ass-clown like Hooley. Most people don't think for themselves.......
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Its going to be a real battle with 92.3 up there re: Buckeye coverage. Hooley had been a regular guest host on several radio shows on WKNR, doing his typical anti-OSU, anti-Tressel rant that has gotten so old, I'm not sure they're just not playing recordings of prior rants.

So Tressel gave 92.3 one of his first interviews. I'm absolutely certain that decision was related to WKNR's affiliation with ESPN and Hooley. 850 will go straight hate on the Buckeyes and 92.3 will shill for OSU.

Too bad I only get 850 and 97.1 down in Columbus. That's some terrible sports talk radio.
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92.3 must be crushing them because 92.3 actually talks sports and doesn't rely on gimmicks to get listeners. KNR is shuffling the lineup dramatically not sure WTF is going on but they had more than there share of buckeye haters before Hooley even comes in.
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Looks like he quit

On the eve of what was supposed to be a “major announcement” regarding a scheduling overhaul for Good Karma sports WKNR/850 “ESPN 850″, that station has lost one of its star players.
LeCharles Bentley abruptly resigned from WKNR Thursday night… just as “Xs and Os with the Pros,” the show he co-hosted alongside Je’Rod Cherry, was set to begin. (It was so sudden that liners featuring LeCharles’ name still played at the end of commercial breaks, but Je’Rod and show producer Emmett Golden had to conduct the show as if he never had existed on Planet Earth.)
While the normally outspoken LeCharles himself is keeping VERY quiet about this matter, we have learned the source of his dispute with the station.
Sources close to the situation are telling us that it was a dispute over pay for Golden – $8 per hour for a two-hour show – and Golden was set to be removed from “Xs and Os”, effective next week, due to pay issues.
(Note that there was no “Xs and Os” scheduled for Friday night, due to pre-existing high school football coverage.)
Objecting to how WKNR handled the situation, the former St. Ignatius and Ohio State star simply walked out – but, we hear, not before offering to cover Golden’s pay for the show.
And to prove this wasn’t a stunt, any and all mention of LeCharles has already been eliminated from WKNR’s website in yet another “Soviet-style purge.”
We will have much more on this developing story as details warrant…
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OneBuckeye;2001683; said:
92.3 must be crushing them because 92.3 actually talks sports and doesn't rely on gimmicks to get listeners. KNR is shuffling the lineup dramatically not sure WTF is going on but they had more than there share of buckeye haters before Hooley even comes in.

Agreed. Since 92.3 switched their format I have not listened to 850 at all. 850 became one giant commercial for golf courses, casinos and restaurants. They never talked sports.

As to LCB, I was never impressed by his show. It was just hard to listen to him. I do think Dustin Fox is doing a nice job over on 92.3.
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BuckBackHome;2001693; said:
Agreed. Since 92.3 switched their format I have not listened to 850 at all. 850 became one giant commercial for golf courses, casinos and restaurants. They never talked sports.

As to LCB, I was never impressed by his show. It was just hard to listen to him. I do think Dustin Fox is doing a nice job over on 92.3.

Can somebody enlighten me to 92.3's switch? Growing up it was top 40 type stuff I think. It'd be good to hear solid Ohio sports talk.

Doubtful I can get it here in Detoilet.
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LCB was very substantive and intelligent in his football analysis - so much so that I could understand if the audience felt as though he was talking above them. WHICH HE WAS! And isn't that what he's supposed to do? Bring in expert analysis that the average fan doesn't have.

I think most radio listeners just want to have some couch potato spout off common, know-nothing opinions that they themselves could have come up with on their own. It makes them feel smarter and a part of the show. Sad, but if Cowherd is successful (and he is), that must be the case.
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OH10;2001785; said:
LCB was very substantive and intelligent in his football analysis - so much so that I could understand if the audience felt as though he was talking above them. WHICH HE WAS! And isn't that what he's supposed to do? Bring in expert analysis that the average fan doesn't have.

I think most radio listeners just want to have some couch potato spout off common, know-nothing opinions that they themselves could have come up with on their own. It makes them feel smarter and a part of the show. Sad, but if Cowherd is successful (and he is), that must be the case.

I love listening to meatballs like the Common Man and the Torg talk about how players should be tough and winning is the only thing that matters.

These two couldn't run a 1/4 mile and they are telling their listeners what athletes should and shouldn't do. Priceless.
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ysubuck;2001789; said:
I love listening to meatballs like the Common Man and the Torg talk about how players should be tough and winning is the only thing that matters.

These two couldn't run a 1/4 mile and they are telling their listeners what athletes should and shouldn't do. Priceless.

Exactly. That's why I can't listen to those two idiots. The athletes they criticize with their "Citgo" nonsense have more talent in their little fingers than they do in their entire bodies (and for the Torg, that's a sizeable body).
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