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C LeCharles Bentley (2001 Rimington Award & 2 time Pro Bowler)

bassbuckeye07;1750604; said:
The balls were bigger back then I heard thats what he handles better.... old balls


I was getting at the fact that the lack of a face mask would have left his mouth free to get involved in the action, but that might have been a little bit too vague the way I laid it out.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YE2DCS1PnwU&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Braylon Edwards with another easy drop![/ame]
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Big Ten Network adds former players for 2010

CHICAGO ? When the Big Ten Network kicks off its fourth season on the air, two new main play-by-play voices and a talented new group of accomplished former Big Ten stars as analysts or hosts will be behind the microphones.

LeCharles Bentley, Rosevelt Colvin, Muhsin Muhammad, Derek Rackley, Amani Toomer and Dan Dierdorf are among the new faces on the Big Ten Network this fall, bringing strong Big Ten connections and a combined 66 years of NFL experience, eight Pro Bowl honors and three Super Bowl rings.

Bentley will co-host the Big Ten Pulse (debuts Sept. 9, airing Thursdays, 9 p.m.), alongside popular Iowa media personality Jon Miller. Bentley was an All-American offensive lineman at Ohio State and a two-time Pro Bowl selection as a member of the New Orleans Saints. The Big Ten Pulse will be a first-of-its-kind show for the Big Ten Network. The weekly opinion-driven show will have a fast-paced format designed to stimulate debate and will incorporate the voice of the fan through social media, while debating the hottest topics and most pressing issues involving the Big Ten and college sports.

The Niles Star ? Big Ten Network adds former players for 2010
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Ex-Brown center LeCharles Bentley argues about child support amount
Published: Tuesday, December 21, 2010
[email protected]

ELYRIA ? Former Browns center LeCharles Bentley?s child support payments for his three children will have to be determined again after the Ninth District Court of Appeals sided with and ruled against him. The case originated in Lorain County Common Pleas Court in 2008.

Bentley, who retired in 2008 after a career-ending staph infection, argued the trial court made a mistake when computing his annual income and ordering him to pay $44,000 a year in child support. Bentley, who later opened the LeCharles Bentley O-Line Academy for training offensive linemen in Avon, had an annual income of $145,035.96 for child support purposes, the decision stated.


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LeCharles Bentley: Super Bowl insults the masses
Published: Tuesday, February 08, 2011
The Times-Picayune By The Times-Picayune

Former New Orleans Saints center LeCharles Bentley, in a column published by aolfanhouse.com, wrote Tuesday he was "ashamed" as a former player that the Super Bowl has become less about the game and more about the dynamics between the haves and the have-nots.

He writes:

"Maybe I am na?ve to believe that this game that grew into a business should position itself above the fray of the almighty dollar and represent who represents them. But after this past Super Bowl became the most-watched television show in the history of television those same people that made this possible have to sit around and wonder if there will even be a Super Bowl next year."

He goes on to say "the world of sports is supposed to be a meritocracy. I don't see the merit or virtue in keeping people out of what they built -- and potentially taking it away as well."


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LeCharles Bentley back on the field
Former NFL All-Pro O-lineman gets back in the game coaching prospects at Nike camps
By Jeremy Crabtree
ESPN Recruiting

CORAL GABLES, Fla. -- LeCharles Bentley has been called a number of different things in his life.

All Pro.


Rimington Trophy winner.

But one of the things he's most proud to be called is coach.


Courtesy of Tom HauckLeCharles Bentley never hesitated to get hands on, or get down and show the players the proper techniques while coaching at the Miami NFTC.

Bentley was one of a handful of all-star coaches who worked with nearly 200 of the top football players in Florida at Sunday's Nike Training Camp at the University of Miami. Plenty of other coaches at Sunday's camp have experienced career highs and lows, but nobody has as compelling a tale to share with prospects than Bentley.

Just a short time ago, Bentley was one of the best players in the NFL.

Fresh off being named an All-Pro in 2004 and 2005 with the New Orleans Saints, Bentley signed a $36 million contract with the Cleveland Browns. But he suffered a serious knee injury in training camp on the first play of 11-on-11 drills and missed the entire 2006 season.

The injury changed his life as he had to undergo four operations, the final two surgeries to clean out a staph infection that ate away at his tendon and a virus that became so severe he almost had to have his leg amputated.

Bentley retired from football in 2009 and has now dedicated his life to coaching offensive linemen back in his hometown of Cleveland. His O-Line Academy has attracted many of Cleveland's top prospects, and that's where the Nike camp organizers noticed him and invited him to coach on this year's camp circuit.

He accepted without hesitation.

"My experiences are personal to me, but I've finally gotten to the point where I'm able to share them," Bentley said. "It takes one play. It takes one play to change your entire life.

"Coaching is a bit of my calling. It's become my mission. I get excited about this stuff. On a selfish note, it's my way of staying close to football. But the bigger picture, and the most important part of this thing, is knowing that I have been tremendously blessed with a great high school, college and pro career. It's unfortunate on many different levels that my career ended the way it did, but what do you do? Do you sit back and pout the rest of your life? Or do you recognize what was given to me and give it back?"


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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MF9HjbTx0xw"]YouTube - ‪Chris Gizzi & LeCharles Bentley Talk Offensive Line play vs. Linebackers‬‏[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j2qmFyNcpA"]YouTube - ‪Chris Gizzi & LeCharles Bentley talk about hand placement for Linebackers and Offensive Linemen‬‏[/ame]
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Don?t Hate The Playa?

By LeCharles Bentley

The ?resignation? of Jim Tressel as Ohio State?s football coach has led to a surprising level of vitriol rising against Terrelle Pryor.

Many are cursing the day he signed his letter of intent to attend Ohio State.

Venting at Pryor leads to a simple question: Why?

I?m not by any stretch of the imagination defending Pryor or his misjudgments but there is a stench in the air that many are conveniently ignoring.

We all remember March 19th, 2008 when Pryor announced to the world he would be attending The Ohio State University. This was a glorious day not only for Jim Tressel and OSU fans but for the entire Big Ten Conference.


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A couple of nights ago, Bentley was on a radio talk show here in NEO. He mentioned the Compliance Department under Cooper. He made them sound like the Gestapo at a concentration camp. He said, they would go as far as asking about a new pair of shoes.

He also discussed Cooper's recruiting approach. In a nut shell, Cooper was selling 3 years and you will a top NFL draft pick. Bentley actually used the expression "feeder team" for the NFL.

Mentioned that most of Cooper's losses were late in the season. The lack of success against UM, and the bowl games was due to players were more concerned about "staying fresh" for the NFL draft. When as far as saying; "if those were the first two games of the year, OSU would have been undefeated".
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stowfan;1933450; said:
A couple of nights ago, Bentley was on a radio talk show here in NEO. He mentioned the Compliance Department under Cooper. He made them sound like the Gestapo at a concentration camp. He said, they would go as far as asking about a new pair of shoes.

He also discussed Cooper's recruiting approach. In a nut shell, Cooper was selling 3 years and you will a top NFL draft pick. Bentley actually used the expression "feeder team" for the NFL.

Mentioned that most of Cooper's losses were late in the season. The lack of success against UM, and the bowl games was due to players were more concerned about "staying fresh" for the NFL draft. When as far as saying; "if those were the first two games of the year, OSU would have been undefeated".

Funny, just listened to that a lil bit ago.

He's actually the co-host of that show, AWESOME show as LeCharles speaks his mind on everything. Only problem is it's only for 1-2 hours a night on WKNR. And it is available for podcast, show's called "Xs Os With the Pros" (that's how I heard it)

Dustin Fox is on that show abit too.
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Piney;1933518; said:
Funny, just listened to that a lil bit ago.

He's actually the co-host of that show, AWESOME show as LeCharles speaks his mind on everything. Only problem is it's only for 1-2 hours a night on WKNR. And it is available for podcast, show's called "Xs Os With the Pros" (that's how I heard it)

Dustin Fox is on that show abit too.

Good Post.

I usually listen every day while on the road to LeCharles. This dude is exactly what you would expect from a TRUE student-athete from this great University. He is incrediby articulate and opinionated. A great combination for a talk-show host.

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Ohio appeals court rules in favor of LeCharles Bentley
Posted by Gregg Rosenthal on July 9, 2011

Former Browns center LeCharles Bentley will be allowed to continue his lawsuit against the Browns in a county court following a decision this week by the Ohio 8th District Court of Appeals.

The Browns tried to argue that the suit was related to the collectiv bargaining agreement and that state and federal laws support arbitration over litigation. The appeals court disagreed, upholding a previous County judge ruling.

Bentley is arguing that the Browns persuaded him to rehab at their unsanitary facility, which helped cause him to get staph infection and multiple surgeries to fix the problem. Bentley?s attorney said his client nearly died.

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