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C Byron 'B.J.' Mullens (Levanga Hokkaido Sapporo - Japan)

The funny thing is, the only time I'd seen hime play was against Newark this year. One of, if not his worst game all year. At the time, I didn't really see what all the fuss was about.

Turns out Newark was even better than I thought (D.1 State champs). From the looks of that video, so is B.J. :lol:
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BuckeyeTillIDie;1163559; said:
Cool video but, man, basketball MCs are so annoying. That guy was yelling "That 70s Show"? Lame. :lol:

Anyways, BJ looks like he'll be a great one.

I believe that was the moniker he was given at that particular event, apparently due to some resemblance to Ashton Kutcher. I think OSUBuckguy mentioned it in his writeup after attending the event.
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Bump for "That 70's show."

OSU_Buckguy;911736; said:
elite 24 hoops classic

my trip to rucker park for the elite 24 hoops classic was an interesting one. i left the area early and made my way up to harlem, which i had never been to before. i was surprised how much different the areawas from its previous (and current) reputation. though i'm sure that there are some nasty areas, it really seemed okay.

the court itself was just a regular outdoor basketball court. the backboards were really small, and the rims were extremely soft. i'm surprised that no one got hurt. the players had nowhere to land after layups and dunks. there were photographers and others right under the baskets. at least a few times a player would go down with the fans gasping at the expectation that he might have turned an ankle or worse. the other issue was the bugs. the players and fans spent much of the night swatting them away. i have a number of mosquito bites.

the crowd was what you would expect: a regular rucker crowd. there was a lot of hooting and hollering, which tended to escalate when stephenson and evans went head-to-head in the second half. it was a lively atmosphere that surely fed the players' drive to compete. some of the notables in the crowd were lloyd "sweet pea" daniels, earl "the pearl" washington, and fat joe. jason williams (the duke one), jesse sapp (g'town), and kevin love were there. rafer "skip to my lou" alston was one of the coaches. it was definitely a vibrant atmosphere.

after waiting in line for about 2 hours, i was let in. i sat at mid-court about 3 rows up. good seats. the players did at least a half hour of layup drills prior to the game. that was way too long, as it was pretty muggy. they were delighting us with numerous great dunks.

boys, mullens can throw them down! he had the first dunk that drew some "oohs" and "aahs." i was really impressed with some of his dunks where he would take the ball from his left hand and, mid-air, go between his legs to a right-handed throwdown. wow. that was impressive. it's amazing to see a young 7-footer pull off that kind of dunk. when he shot jump shots, they were all from the top of the key or beyond. the form looks good, though he wasn't terribly accurate. he has the outside shot, though. there is plenty of flick in the wrist, and his right elbow is fully extended.

if my memory serves me correctly, he had 8 points of his team's first 14 or so. he had some nasty dunks, a nice post move, and a great dunk off a backboard alley oop. the crowd was loving him. the announcer was giving him some great props. i didn't like his court name, though. one of the guys thought that he looked like ashton kutcher. in fact, they called him ashton a few times. they then switched to "that 70s show," which stuck for the rest of the night. ehh. it would make sense if he had a throwback game. nonetheless, we heard the "that 70s show's" name a lot that night, especially early on.

bj didn't play much defense. no one did. while he would throw his body up against the posts, he didn't make a presense on the boards and didn't contend many shots. so be it. the score was, what, 169 to 165? the only time defense was played was when there would be a clear-out for, say, stephenson versus evans.

It looks like the final dunk from the video might be the one described below:

there were two times the whole game when everybody got up. one was on a brandon jennings alley oop to (someone). the other was on an alley oop to mullens. the pass was a little high, but, shoot, mullens climbed the ladder to get it. he caught it with his fingers far from the basket and threw it down. the crowd went wild. wild. this boy can leap. seriously, i bet you that he could put his chin on the rim. between what i saw in pre-game, what i saw on that dunk, and what i've seen in a couple pictures, i have no doubt that we'll see numerous monster jams from him in 2008-2009. mullens is a freak of an athlete. 7-footers aren't meant to jump like that.

there is some definition in bj. he does need to add some muscle, though. no surprise there, as virtually all soon-to-be college players need to add muscle. he'll be fine. he has the frame to add some more weight, but i don't see bj becoming a thick body. as long as he continues with the plan that he's been on, strength won't be an issue.

his demeanor was easy. he never got excited and never got frustrated. he enjoyed conversing with the other players and was trying to bounce different dunk ideas off a few of them. bj is just even keel. i wouldn't mind seeing a fire lit inside of him. if he were made mad, i would have no doubt that he would impose his will. he's too athletic not to.

bj can run the floor really well, too. again, it was a bit humid, so virtually all of the players were tired because of it. mullens held his own. with his conditioning regimen, i'm not surprised that he could get up and down like he did. expect to see a fast style of play in 2008-2009. though he does have a handful of post moves, he is by no means confined to the post.

i did take some pictures, which i hope to put up soon. that requires learning more about my camera. i bought it on the way up. i hate cameras, and they hate me. regardless, i'll figure it out and post a few. after the game, i walked onto the court, hoping to have a picture taken with mullens. my camera ran out of power right as i walked out, though. my luck.

i'll post a link for a video to the game as soon as it comes up. it should be up shortly. if you didn't see it on espnu, you'll catch it on a site i frequent. as well, i'll do my best to load some of the pics. i tried to catch some video, but i'm not sure how that took. it drained my battery, so i decided to catch only a little on video.

my vist to rucker park only confirmed what most of us already knew about bj. we have a special one here. if the bucks don't contend for a national title in 2008-2009, i will be surprised. the team will be that good.
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OregonBuckeye;1165007; said:
Somewhere in between the chances Oden and Koufos weren't one and done.
I might be way off base here but for some reason I do hold out hopes that he might not be a one and done player because of the promise he made to his father about playing for Ohio State before his father passed away. I know I know everyone will say that he will play for Ohio State for one year thus fulfilling the promise.
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