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C Byron 'B.J.' Mullens (Levanga Hokkaido Sapporo - Japan)

Site Updated: 8.19.07 -- Summer Spotlight: BJ Mullens | BJ Mullens Summer Spotlight: BJ Mullens

By Kevin Duffy

NBADraft.Net's projected #1 overall pick of the 2009 NBA Draft. BJ Mullens, a 7'0'' 255 low-block presence from nearby Canal Winchester, OH, may have a Greg Oden-like impact as a freshman for the Buckeyes. He and Koufos complement each other perfectly and assuming Koufos returns for his sophomore season, Ohio State will have a dominant frontcourt capable of making another Final Four run. Expectations are high for Mullens, who committed to Ohio State before playing a single high school game, but he is working hard everyday and not taking anything for granted. Though he's spent a good portion of the summer at various camps and tournaments (he is currently at the Adidas Super64 in New Jersey), Mullens was able to recap what his average summer day at home consists of.

5 PM- Pick-Up at Ohio State
The OSU campus is only about ten minutes from my house, so on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I head up there to play pick-up with the team. The games are always close and competitive even though we are all friends. I've become real close with some of the freshmen this year, most notably Kosta Koufos, Jon Diebler, and Evan Turner. Jon has been one of my best friends for quite some time. Before he moved onto the Ohio State campus, I used to go over his house all the time to hang out. I was actually there just the other week for his grad party. I can't wait to play with him in a Buckeye uniform. As for Kosta, some people think that we won't be able to co-exist because we are both 7-footers, but we've worked very well together so far during the pick-up games. He is more of a perimeter-oriented big man and I'm a low post player, so I think we will fit in nicely.

On playing for Thad Matta at Ohio State: In my opinion, Coach Matta is one of the best coaches in the entire country. He came in and won 20+ games in his first year, which is a big, big deal here in Ohio. That team would have easily made the NCAA Tournament if it were not for the penalties placed upon the team because of former coach Jim O'Brien's recruiting violations. In his second year, he ran up against a tough Georgetown team and last season, he brought Ohio State all the way to the National Championship game. I hope we can take the next step and win it all when I get there. I know we'll have the talent to do so and Coach Matta is masterful at getting the most out of all his players, so I think we are going to have a very good chance in the coming years.

On his NBA aspirations: I've always dreamed about playing in the NBA, but I can't get too far ahead of myself. I am focusing on high school right now, and then after that, I'm excited about going to college. I want to try to spend all four years at Ohio State and earn my degree because basketball will always be there for me, but say I enter early and get hurt, then I don't have an education to fall back on.

NBADraft.net | Summer Spotlight: BJ Mullens
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If not for the rule of one year of college which I am glad is in place, I wouldnt be so sure if Mullens wouldnt be the #1 pick in the 2008 draft...

If KK stays for 2 years I think that we would be the favorites to win it all in 08...Then Mullens and KK could go to the draft and both be lottery picks...
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You people are going to have me way too pumped up way too early! It isn't even football yet and here we are starting about the BB team. I know that no incoming has the reputation of Oden But I have been excited about all the recruits that Matta has lined up for a long time now.
I agree that depending on who stays we can have another shot or 2 at the NC fairly soon. Crap I am getting pumped up just typing this. lol.
I will be glad when the season starts on the first so we can focus on the sport at hand .:)
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ive seen bj play a couple of times this year a few thoughts on him/his team

often times kids play to the level of their competition, some call this a knock on the kid. in some cases to me its just simply a matter of a kid being "above the game" ive left both games ive been to this actually wonderin why mullens is at canal winchester not a higher level of school or at a prep school, or even to the extent if those options are off the table then why is he even playing hs ball.

size the kid has legit size, the height is dead on. what suprised me, ive seen bj at football and what not but not at the football games, but for a kid who is what 17? he is put together. likely would make the all b10 all airport team. as a soph he was listed at 240, likely now in the 265 to 270 department. that being said bj is very athletic, though he shouldnt be confused with kevin garnett, he is a very quick and athletic player in general, not just for his size.

style of play stroked some threes during warmups, has a small hitch in his shot and has a tendency to cycle the ball on his jump shot. plays primarily with his back to the basket, but will go out and get the ball taking jump shots. often times will take contested 18 footers or even fadeaways, but make no mistake about he will likely be your traditional five at the next level. footwork seems good at points and at other times ok. postioning is the major issue with bjs game though ill touch on this later i see it as him trying to do to much. has a tendency to get down on the hash and be to low, or get to far out, or even to press into the corner to far. (mutliple factors) primary move is baseline from either block and will go to either baseline with the same level of effectiveness. rarely makes his move back to the center of the floor for one simple reason, the double/triple/quadrople team is coming from that direction.

coaching i am not really sure how to approach this, but ive talked to a few people. the canal staff leaves a lot to be desired. cw tends to force the ball into bj at times (part of the out of postion issue) then go away from him not having him touch the ball for four five six trips down the floor in a row. im not really sure what kind of offense they are running when bj is in the game, but it looks like it came off the bathroom wall that was planted by the opposing coach. the team runs a sloopy flex (or something resembles a flex?) when bj is not on the floor. the second game i sat close to the bench to try and listen in on what was being said and actually moved due to frustration, i realize it is difficult to coach a five, especially for a smaller coach who it seems to be very gaurd oriented. this isuue was discussed in lauderdales thread, but to me is a greater issue with bj as he is more skilled and refined player than dallas.

somewhere along the lines bj has received some excellent coaching, his moves are solid, his intial postion is good and he plays well with his body. these issues are all magnified by his size and athletic ability. bj is very well put together for a 17 year old and has a body which he seems to have grwon into something odd for a young kid. he has both quick and slow moves, but his quickness is realtively suprising, not only for a kid his size but for any five at the hs level.

his teammates, i will be polite. his team is not very good. all the kids try hard and seem like good kids, but in all honesty play at what i would consider to be an average jv level. granted its not a big school, but a decent sized on. outside of bj canal does not have another player. this results in trouble bringing the ball up the floor, the ? offense that i see (im pretty sure with mullens not out there its supposed to be a flex). this team struggles to get an entry pass into bj primarily due to the issue that im not sure the kids have been taught how to play with a player like bj. you see it with ohio state how difficult it is to play with a true big man and that transition process. the entry pass sets everything. you need the right angle, the right wing position, the correct type of pass. this i believe primarily leads mullens to try and come get the ball, something that you also see all the time. i mentioned early on this year oden was doing the same thing. it is so difficult for a big man to let the game come to him, and b/c of this often times you can leave unimpressed with a big man. when in reality its the kid pressing to much. also a reason that gaurds, who can by nature dictate the game because they don thave to let the game come to them, instead they can dictate and attack the game. dont get me wrong, bj can dictate tempo and pace of the game with his play. but it takes more coaching, patience and effort for a big man to dominate the game.

so how does all of this project to the high school game. honestly poorly to the average basketball fan. most people i feel will leave the game as they didnt see the #whatever number he is player in the country. but what you are seeing is as i listed above a kid who is above his team and his competition and struggles with the low level of the game. kids will hang beat and essentially cheap shot bj as he takes a beating he will be called for fouls such as going over the back and good postioning fouls simply for being fouls. in a higher level hes doing all the right things, but it just does not project to the hs level as that. thats the one thing about basketball at the hs level.

all in all if you have the chance to see him play this year, do it. but keep in mind what ive mentioned above.

side note im not going to proofread this, so questions and clarifications are welcome.
im gonna go ahead an bump this as it seems we have a renewed interest in basketball and some names are poppin up. ive been on the bj bandwagon a long time...
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LOL. Last year's team and Matta's recruiting have me excited for Ohio State basketball even more so than the football team. The only thing that limits Matta, as opposed to Tressel, is that there isn't a 3 year rule that would build long-lasting and potentially incredible teams that would transcend through the apathetic fan and fascinate everyone: Oden, Mullens, Koufos, Cook, Conley, Buford..etc would be on the same team if Matta had it like Tressel.
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elite 24 hoops classic

my trip to rucker park for the elite 24 hoops classic was an interesting one. i left the area early and made my way up to harlem, which i had never been to before. i was surprised how much different the areawas from its previous (and current) reputation. though i'm sure that there are some nasty areas, it really seemed okay.

the court itself was just a regular outdoor basketball court. the backboards were really small, and the rims were extremely soft. i'm surprised that no one got hurt. the players had nowhere to land after layups and dunks. there were photographers and others right under the baskets. at least a few times a player would go down with the fans gasping at the expectation that he might have turned an ankle or worse. the other issue was the bugs. the players and fans spent much of the night swatting them away. i have a number of mosquito bites.

the crowd was what you would expect: a regular rucker crowd. there was a lot of hooting and hollering, which tended to escalate when stephenson and evans went head-to-head in the second half. it was a lively atmosphere that surely fed the players' drive to compete. some of the notables in the crowd were lloyd "sweet pea" daniels, earl "the pearl" washington, and fat joe. jason williams (the duke one), jesse sapp (g'town), and kevin love were there. rafer "skip to my lou" alston was one of the coaches. it was definitely a vibrant atmosphere.

after waiting in line for about 2 hours, i was let in. i sat at mid-court about 3 rows up. good seats. the players did at least a half hour of layup drills prior to the game. that was way too long, as it was pretty muggy. they were delighting us with numerous great dunks.

boys, mullens can throw them down! he had the first dunk that drew some "oohs" and "aahs." i was really impressed with some of his dunks where he would take the ball from his left hand and, mid-air, go between his legs to a right-handed throwdown. wow. that was impressive. it's amazing to see a young 7-footer pull off that kind of dunk. when he shot jump shots, they were all from the top of the key or beyond. the form looks good, though he wasn't terribly accurate. he has the outside shot, though. there is plenty of flick in the wrist, and his right elbow is fully extended.

if my memory serves me correctly, he had 8 points of his team's first 14 or so. he had some nasty dunks, a nice post move, and a great dunk off a backboard alley oop. the crowd was loving him. the announcer was giving him some great props. i didn't like his court name, though. one of the guys thought that he looked like ashton kutcher. in fact, they called him ashton a few times. they then switched to "that 70s show," which stuck for the rest of the night. ehh. it would make sense if he had a throwback game. nonetheless, we heard the "that 70s show's" name a lot that night, especially early on.

bj didn't play much defense. no one did. while he would throw his body up against the posts, he didn't make a presense on the boards and didn't contend many shots. so be it. the score was, what, 169 to 165? the only time defense was played was when there would be a clear-out for, say, stephenson versus evans.

there were two times the whole game when everybody got up. one was on a brandon jennings alley oop to (someone). the other was on an alley oop to mullens. the pass was a little high, but, shoot, mullens climbed the ladder to get it. he caught it with his fingers far from the basket and threw it down. the crowd went wild. wild. this boy can leap. seriously, i bet you that he could put his chin on the rim. between what i saw in pre-game, what i saw on that dunk, and what i've seen in a couple pictures, i have no doubt that we'll see numerous monster jams from him in 2008-2009. mullens is a freak of an athlete. 7-footers aren't meant to jump like that.

there is some definition in bj. he does need to add some muscle, though. no surprise there, as virtually all soon-to-be college players need to add muscle. he'll be fine. he has the frame to add some more weight, but i don't see bj becoming a thick body. as long as he continues with the plan that he's been on, strength won't be an issue.

his demeanor was easy. he never got excited and never got frustrated. he enjoyed conversing with the other players and was trying to bounce different dunk ideas off a few of them. bj is just even keel. i wouldn't mind seeing a fire lit inside of him. if he were made mad, i would have no doubt that he would impose his will. he's too athletic not to.

bj can run the floor really well, too. again, it was a bit humid, so virtually all of the players were tired because of it. mullens held his own. with his conditioning regimen, i'm not surprised that he could get up and down like he did. expect to see a fast style of play in 2008-2009. though he does have a handful of post moves, he is by no means confined to the post.

i did take some pictures, which i hope to put up soon. that requires learning more about my camera. i bought it on the way up. i hate cameras, and they hate me. regardless, i'll figure it out and post a few. after the game, i walked onto the court, hoping to have a picture taken with mullens. my camera ran out of power right as i walked out, though. my luck.

i'll post a link for a video to the game as soon as it comes up. it should be up shortly. if you didn't see it on espnu, you'll catch it on a site i frequent. as well, i'll do my best to load some of the pics. i tried to catch some video, but i'm not sure how that took. it drained my battery, so i decided to catch only a little on video.

my vist to rucker park only confirmed what most of us already knew about bj. we have a special one here. if the bucks don't contend for a national title in 2008-2009, i will be surprised. the team will be that good.
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