I'd rather be napping!!
Understanding that certain people here don't deal well with disenting (sp?)opinions is a part of being a member of the community. Doesn't make it right, but that is a part of life and reflects the real world. I generally find trouble for my misunderstood smart ass remarks :) Eff em if they didn't get it (when is that filter going to be fixed). I think it is a good gauge to learn who has a sense of humor and who doesn't.
As much as it might further my career if this site wasn't around, and as sad as it is to say, my life would be ever so slightly less complete. I am proud (in my mind at least
) to call myself a part of this community. There are some very quality people here. Thank You Clarity!!
As much as it might further my career if this site wasn't around, and as sad as it is to say, my life would be ever so slightly less complete. I am proud (in my mind at least
