Time for me to chime in, as I am one of the bigger "violators" of many members morals. I'm an older guy who grew up in a multi-racial portion of Girard (suburb of Youngstown for those who don't know), right smack dab in the middle of the civil rights movement. My best friend was black. It was weird having to answer his question, "Why do white people get sun tans?", which was an honest question in that he truly didn't understand why so many Caucasians tried to make themselves darker while so many others hated Negroes because they were dark-skinned (visually so much different). It was a time where racial terms hurt far, far worse than they do today, and yet were used more openly. So, you'll have to excuse me if I don't feel that standard racial fare is a capital crime.
While on the outside, the avoidance, or outright elimination, of the usage of any racial terms appears to be progressive, words or terms in themselves are no where near the damaging element as actions themselves are. Political correctiveness has most people truly believing that the mere utterance of any racial term automatically qualifies the utterer as an evil bigot. Try telling the kids on the Glenville football team that they can no longer use the "N-word" (I hate that term) when firing themselves up before a game. Try telling a country music fan that the term Honky-Tonk is now racist. The worst is the holier-than-thou, elitist attitude that most PCers (and many on this board) have in that any belief or action that in any way disagrees with theirs makes the those who do so insensitive, heathen, racial, homophobes (there's another term I despise). What the fuck gives them the right to preach and force their beliefs as if they were the divine word, and outright demonetize those who dare disagree even though that disagreement is shared by the majority?
As for the hazing of new members, I think folks need to step back and take a look at the big picture before blowing things way out of proportion. First, very few "newbs" are actually raked over the coals. Name more than a dozen out of the nearly 4,000 new members over that the last year or so that have been drilled hard immediately after joining. Half of those were flammers and trollers from other fan bases who have been banned. The other half were members whose initial posts were so ridiculous that they merited a degree of ridicule (and which would've been ridiculed even if they were the poster's 10,000th post rather than their 1st or 10th). Or, they were too lazy to take a quick look around to see what was posted before the came in with their keyboard a-blazin', making repeat-threads of threads that were already on the main page, or asking questions that have been answered numerous times before and could've easily been found with just a few seconds of searching.
Also, as with any community, the new member isn't instantaneously elevated to a stature equal to established members...they should learn the ropes a bit and learn the feel of the site. Now, there have been several newbies that have had excellent first posts (I even gave a Great Post Award to a newbie's very first post), so some members are able to contribute right off the bat, while a small minority come here just to get noticed and starting as many threads and making as many posts as they can. When a newbie strays from the flock, there is no problem with someone else--mod, admin, or plain member--from acting as the shepard and brining them back into the fold. If the shepard has to resort to using the cane, then so be it.
Clarity started this site mainly because of the dictatorship and the separation of standards over on Bustnuts. "Premium" members could do no wrong while others, especially those who were vocal and established, had to walk on egg shells. Even the mildest of language was deemed heinous (you couldn't even disguise "bad" words, such as using d@mn, $h!t, etc.). C-Dog made this site so we could talk about football and other subject like most men would talk among other men. Obviously, there are some limits (such as hard-core nudity not being allowed, and what nudity that was OK was limited to the RR, which is age-limited), but by-and-large it's a site were you can open up and tell it like it is. Many swear while many don't. Some use non-PC terms while others don't. If things got out of hand, mods/admins could (and did) step in to passively (ask) or actively (edit) correct things...fortunately, that doesn't have to happen often.
This isn't grade school, people...it's a fuckin' fan forum, where the vast majority of folks here are legal adults, and those few who aren't hear the same, or worse, at school. The language filter will eventually be back up and running, which should solve a lot of the problems. Until then, folks need to realize that there made be something said that may tweak you a bit or that you strongly disagree with. Just deal with it.