Jumping the gun?
So I actually have a *football* 'on the field' related question...
I didn't follow recruitment all that closely until LOI day...
But, is it just me, or are there a lot of people who are writing
off Maurice Wells before he even gets a shot at proving himself?
I mean, personally, I don't find it too outlandish of a thought to
believe that a freshman runningback, named Maurice, could come
in and play a major role in leading the Buckeyes to a National Championship.
I think both Pittman and Haw are going to be huge contributors
to the offense, as has been discussed in and out over the off-season.
I also understand that Maurice Wells hasn't had a snap at the
collegiate level yet, nay, isn't even on campus yet. It just seems
that the majority of Bucks out there aren't seeing him as playing
a very significant role in the offense.
So I guess my question to the board, is for those who watched
recruitment a little more closely than I, what are your feelings
on Maurice's abilities, more importantly the possibility of his
talent putting him in a position to immediately contribute
and possibly to be the star back?
For those who don't see him getting serious reps, what
are you reasons (besides the obvious -- he hasn't suited up yet.)