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Buckeye Autograph Sessions (all merged)

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Sounds awesome. You can thumb through e-bay....maybe call around some shops, grab a Tuff Stuff or Becketts. Also depending on how dedicated to this project you are.... go to "The Game" they will both be there more than likely.
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Buckeye Hero;964735; said:
What would be the best link to look under for autographs?

Click on the scroll button for "player or celebrity" on the above link and it lists everyone's name in their database that has an upcoming signing. I'd just keep checking for Eddie or Troy to come up. You have to pay to get the info for certain shows, so you might have to buy a membership for $9.95 if you see their name. For example you have to be a member to see A.J. Hawk's listing.
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Buckin' A;1018601; said:
Don't take this the wrong way, but since I became an adult, I have no interest in having another man write his name on something.

oSo should I throw out my personalized copy of "you win with people" signed by Woody...as well as the personalized autographs he gave my 3 kids:) :oh:
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I have been collecting autographs since the mid 90's. Overall I would say I have close to maybe 500 or so total. I plan on looking through some of my autographs soon, because another person asked me about them, if I have any doubles I will just give them to you, but I will have to see what I have. I have a lot of great players and a couple coaches from Ohio State like: Woody Hayes, Jim Tressel, James Laurinaitis, A.J. Hawk, Archie Griffin, Eddie George, Santonio Holmes, Chris Wells, Terry Glenn, David Boston, Michael Jenkins, Ted Ginn, Anthony Gonzalez, Craig Krenzel, Antonio Pittman, Cie Grant, Will Smith, Matt Wilhelm, Marcus Freeman, and a lot more. But, I will see if I can find anything and if I do I will let you know.
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Buckin' A;1018651; said:
No doubt, but that's kind of the point. The experience was way more memorable than him writing his name on something (although not many people have a Woody autograph)

agreed...and the kids didn't get there's until a few Christmas' back...when they could appreciate what they had
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-Laurinaitis33-;1018652; said:
I have been collecting autographs since the mid 90's. Overall I would say I have close to maybe 500 or so total. I plan on looking through some of my autographs soon, because another person asked me about them, if I have any doubles I will just give them to you, but I will have to see what I have. I have a lot of great players and a couple coaches from Ohio State like: Woody Hayes, Jim Tressel, James Laurinaitis, A.J. Hawk, Archie Griffin, Eddie George, Santonio Holmes, Chris Wells, Terry Glenn, David Boston, Michael Jenkins, Ted Ginn, Anthony Gonzalez, Craig Krenzel, Antonio Pittman, Cie Grant, Will Smith, Matt Wilhelm, Marcus Freeman, and a lot more. But, I will see if I can find anything and if I do I will let you know.

Wow, awesome!
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I went to just about all the autograph sessions at the end of last year. I also hope they have a pep rally in N.O. with some of the alumni players like last year (Krenzel and Doss). They do a wonderful job here of setting up autograph oppurtunities. Sadly the only one I couldn't get was Troy's as it was too rich for my blood.
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