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Buckeye Autograph Sessions (all merged)

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OhioState49;772037; said:
www.theosustore.com is having a March sale with autographs on sale!!! I bought an Antonio Smith and Joel Penton autograph for $4.99 each! What a deal dont you think? And all of the pictures are from Scott Terna (HawaiianBuckeye). The autographs only took 1 day to get here.

Let it be noted. NOT all photos on that site are mine! There are various photographers represented on the site. They're all good quality photos. Thanks for supporting what I feel is one of the best and most trustworthy sources for OSU Memorabilia! The OSU Store is a BIG supporter of Coach Tressel dot com and other various charitable organizations.

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Columbus Auto Show

March 13th from 6-8

Coach Tressel will be signing free autographs (with admission to the auto show...2 per person) at the Columbus Convention Center.

Admission is only $8 'bucks' :wink2: , children 12 & under free.

I went last year and there was a very substantial line so if you want to go and assure yourself signatures you need to get there early (3 hours or earlier is when I usually go).
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at the auto show they were selling pictures for 5 dollars, pretty good deal. mini helmets for 30 dollars, and osu football for 40 dollars--tax not included. once you got to the snake part of the line there were people willing to play for you get them an autograph.lol
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I just wanted to comment that I attended both the Lancaster signing and Troy Smith's signing at Polaris Mall.

The Lancaster High signing was conducted in a very professional manner with a number system. Lancaster even had a projection screen playing an old Fiesta Bowl to entertain those waiting. Unfortunately, there were a few bad eggs crying about the "rules" that needed to be followed, given the fact that it was a fundraiser. Personally, I was happy to add the provided poster to my collection with five spectacular athletes' signatures for such a wonderful price. Thank you to those individuals that made the event happen, and thank you to the friendly, unselfish former Bucks that gave their time.

The Troy Smith signing has gotten bad reviews based on cost. I can say that Troy was very gracious, shaking hands, and standing & smiling to take pictures with anyone that asked him. Previous athletes from this years' graduating class would allow pictures, but would not stand nor sometimes even smile. Troy is a class act, especially given the bashing he has taken in the media. $60 for the autograph and picture opportunity was well worth it.

Go Bucks! :oh:
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How long was the line for the Smith signing?

StClair185;779324; said:
I just wanted to comment that I attended both the Lancaster signing and Troy Smith's signing at Polaris Mall.

The Lancaster High signing was conducted in a very professional manner with a number system. Lancaster even had a projection screen playing an old Fiesta Bowl to entertain those waiting. Unfortunately, there were a few bad eggs crying about the "rules" that needed to be followed, given the fact that it was a fundraiser. Personally, I was happy to add the provided poster to my collection with five spectacular athletes' signatures for such a wonderful price. Thank you to those individuals that made the event happen, and thank you to the friendly, unselfish former Bucks that gave their time.

The Troy Smith signing has gotten bad reviews based on cost. I can say that Troy was very gracious, shaking hands, and standing & smiling to take pictures with anyone that asked him. Previous athletes from this years' graduating class would allow pictures, but would not stand nor sometimes even smile. Troy is a class act, especially given the bashing he has taken in the media. $60 for the autograph and picture opportunity was well worth it.

Go Bucks! :oh:
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Miller_Time;779395; said:
How long was the line for the Smith signing?

It really didn't seem that long...by just recalling what it looked like; perhaps 150 and no more than 200. Many parents with kids so you can't really get a good handle on actual "sigs" sold just from the number of attendees. I think it went well from the look of things.

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Anyone go to the Dayton Signing today? I stopped by the mall on my way home from Cincy at 4:30 just to see if there was a long line, there was less then 30 there at that time. I'm planning to go to the One at the Tuttle Mall, I'm assuming getting there early is not a big deal?
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Troy was at the Dayton Mall Cardboard Heroes from 6-8

...might not have been the best time to schedule a signing (during the Basketball Buck's opening round NCAA tourney game)
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Antonio Pittman and Anthony Gonzalez will be at the Sandusky Mall from 1:00 - 3:00 on Saturday 03/24. I saw a flyer advertising it the other day that said that merchandise and autographs would be available but I'm not sure what the cost of the autographs will be.
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