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Buckeye Autograph Sessions (all merged)

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[FONT=Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Public autograph signing on Sunday, April 22, 2007--Meet former OSU great All American RANDY GRADISHAR from 2:30-4:30 at Triple Play in Westerville. Autographs are $20.00 each and tickets will go on sale at Triple Play on Monday, March 12. Come meet this terrific Buckeye legend!
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It doesn't specifically say anything about Autographs, but I'll mention it here anyway in case some might want to take the chance. Sounds promising.

Saturday April 14th before the Columbus Detroyers game from 5:00 to 5:45 is Heisman Night, Meet Archie Griffin & Troy Smith / Q&A session. Also get a cool OSU Heismans poster (you can see it on the Destroyers web site)

The game is at 7:00 and it is Family Night, meaning you get 4 tickets, Pepsi, hot dogs, popcorns, Wendy's Frosty coupons, 1 foam football, and 4 Dispatch Ice Haus Skate passes for $66 (200 level seats) or $74 (100 level seats)

Call 614-246-HITS for more info.


O.K., I should have called first, but the girl said they do not plan on signing autographs, but they might pose for pictures...probably not individually as much as while doing the Q&A. Oh well, still sounds like a cool event and good deal.
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The Basketball Team does not have an autograph table set up for the Spring Game like last year, and as of now doesn't have any event set up...that doesn't mean one won't happen in the near future (the girl in the office sounded like it was a possibility), but none is schedule as of yet. If one is set up, she said the public would be informed via web site and newspaper.

The Spring Game usually doesn't have a specific autograph event for the football players, but if the weather is nice you can sometimes catch individual players coming out of the Stadium (South Stands) to board the bus, and many will sign and take pictures (like at most home games).


The Basketball team arrived back in C-bus on Tuesday and the Schott was opened for a 'Fan Welcome Home' gig. I was already over there (OSU Campus) helping set up for the Football Spring Preview, so I wandered over to the Schott around 3 p.m. The team bus drove right into the Schott with 2 police motorcycles escorting them. Coach Matta thanked everyone for coming and gave a small speech. Ron Lewis thanked the fans for our support throughout the season. And since there was hardly anyone there (a few hundred maybe), coach Matta sent the team into the stands to take pictures, shake hands and sign autographs. It was very cool.

Conley signed a 'little old lady's' cane (sorry about the politically incorrect description). A different 'older woman' asked Oden for a hug (no autograph, no picture with him, just a hug) which he gladly complied. She stated that she was a season ticket holder, had been to every home game this year, and throughout the season had asked for and recieved a hug from every one of the players, expressing how much she enjoyed this particular season and the players that made up the team. Oden was the last one she hadn't hugged yet...she has now :)

It was a great time. I just heard about it on the radio as I drove over that afternoon...I'm shocked that it wasn't more widly known about, but then again if 5,000 people were there I guess the players wouldn't have done what they did, so I'm happy for those of us who did find out on such short notice :wink: .
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Padraig;804687; said:
The Basketball Team does not have an autograph table set up for the Spring Game like last year, and as of now doesn't have any event set up...that doesn't mean one won't happen in the near future (the girl in the office sounded like it was a possibility), but none is schedule as of yet. If one is set up, she said the public would be informed via web site and newspaper.

The Spring Game usually doesn't have a specific autograph event for the football players, but if the weather is nice you can sometimes catch individual players coming out of the Stadium (South Stands) to board the bus, and many will sign and take pictures (like at most home games).


The Basketball team arrived back in C-bus on Tuesday and the Schott was opened for a 'Fan Welcome Home' gig. I was already over there (OSU Campus) helping set up for the Football Spring Preview, so I wandered over to the Schott around 3 p.m. The team bus drove right into the Schott with 2 police motorcycles escorting them. Coach Matta thanked everyone for coming and gave a small speech. Ron Lewis thanked the fans for our support throughout the season. And since there was hardly anyone there (a few hundred maybe), coach Matta sent the team into the stands to take pictures, shake hands and sign autographs. It was very cool.

Conley signed a 'little old lady's' cane (sorry about the politically incorrect description). A different 'older woman' asked Oden for a hug (no autograph, no picture with him, just a hug) which he gladly complied. She stated that she was a season ticket holder, had been to every home game this year, and throughout the season had asked for and recieved a hug from every one of the players, expressing how much she enjoyed this particular season and the players that made up the team. Oden was the last one she hadn't hugged yet...she has now :)

It was a great time. I just heard about it on the radio as I drove over that afternoon...I'm shocked that it wasn't more widly known about, but then again if 5,000 people were there I guess the players wouldn't have done what they did, so I'm happy for those of us who did find out on such short notice :wink: .

Thanks for the thorough info...any word on last year's seniors signing autographs...also any word on a BP tailgate
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OSU gridiron stars draw fans

Staff Writer

ZANESVILLE - It was a rare opportunity for area fans Thursday as three former Buckeyes came to Jeff Drennen Dealerships to give their time back to the scarlet and gray community.
Bobby Carpenter, Doug Datish and Troy Smith signed autographs and took pictures with their legions of fans from 5 to 7 p.m.
Though Smith was unavailable for comment, Carpenter and Datish were grateful to take time out for the fans.

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Autograph Signing info?

Anyone have any info. on any signings by members of the football team other than the night practice that is coming up? I had heard that they do some sort of signing at a local mall prior to the beginning of the season? Thanks in advance for any info.

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Ohio State Autographs

I am looking for some help locating some Buckeye autographs.....
My brother got married last year and my gift to him is a collection of framed and mounted Ohio State autographs with the persons picture included. The list includes anyone who won a heisman at Ohio State or any coach that won a national championship. Coaches: Paul Brown, Woody and The Senator. Players: Horvath, Janowicz, Hop, Archie, Eddie and Troy Smith (he was a late addition).
Anyways I have all of the tough ones taken care of, the only ones that I am missing is Eddie and Troy Smith. It is harder than I though to find signed blank index cards of these 2, there are tons of pictures and other items but the autographs are seperate from the photo in all of the framings, so it has to be a blank page or index card. Any advice on where to find these 2 heisman winners, or if you know of somewhere that I can send a blank index card and have them sign it or an event signing. I am willing to buy them or pay Troy and Eddie, I just dont know where to locate them.

The Buckeye Hero.:osu:

PS- I will post pictures of the collection when it is completed, it really is the ultimate Buckeye gift.

PPS- This is a very long shot, but if anyone knows where to find a Chic Harley autograph that would be HUGE.
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