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Buckeye Autograph Sessions (all merged)

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I'm slowly starting to build my collection, but I just moved to Columbus a couple months ago. My collection should build with time.

Currently, I have a Troy Smith jersey autographed by Smith, Bobby Carpenter, and Doug Datish. I also have a plaque of the OSU/Michigan game last year autographed by those three.

I have a decent amount of Blue Jackets signed stuff, but I don't think you're asking about those. Where do you guys usually get your autographs? How frequent are public signings?
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I wish I lived in Columbus and was closer to the Buckeyes. It's a rare day when I get a Buckeye autograph. I do have a few, though- Tressel, Archie, Eddie, and a football with many of the guys from the 2002 NC team.
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3074326;1018739; said:
I'm slowly starting to build my collection, but I just moved to Columbus a couple months ago. My collection should build with time.

Currently, I have a Troy Smith jersey autographed by Smith, Bobby Carpenter, and Doug Datish. I also have a plaque of the OSU/Michigan game last year autographed by those three.

I have a decent amount of Blue Jackets signed stuff, but I don't think you're asking about those. Where do you guys usually get your autographs? How frequent are public signings?

The way I have always gotten mine, is by waiting around after games and just standing around by the locker room waiting for the players to come out. It was a lot easier 10 years ago, I could use to just walk right up to the locker room door and get any autograph I wanted. But, security has gotten more strict at the games. It is near impossible to get a good autograph because the players are transported back to the Woody Hayes Athletic Center quickly. The best ways that I know to get autographs though are waiting after the games, even though it is tougher now, or going to Ohio State on media day to get some autographs.
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Tlangs;1019012; said:
I only have one autograph...

I have an autographed scarlet #47 jersey adorning my basement. AJ is the man.

Yes this is very cool. I only have one too. I went to the President's Club brunch last year when we dominated scUM. Archie was there. He is a very nice man and was kind enough to autograph whatever people brought up. I really didn't have anything except a name tag for me. I immediately ripped it off my shirt and handed it to him to sign. He smiled and shook my hand and now I have an autographed name tag with my name next to Archie's :biggrin:.
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mclovin;1072851; said:
anyone hear of any vernon gholston autograph signings yet???

If/when anyone hears, it will either be posted here or it will be merged here after someone starts a new thread with it. But that would only happen if the person starting the thread were new and weren't yet fully up-to-speed on our site and its features like the uber-cool search function. That almost never happens.

BTW: Sarcasm is pretty prevalent around here. Haven't seen any recently though. Let me know if you spot some...
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Larry Grant
Saturday 2/9/08 @ the Miami Valley Center Mall, Piqua, OH
1:00 - 3:00
$5 per sig, limit 3

Kirk Barton
Sunday 2/10/08 @ the Miami Valley Center Mall, Piqua OH
1:00 - 3:00
$5 per sig, limit 3


call (937) 773-0950 for more info :)
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mclovin;1081341; said:
do you know if there is a mail order for both of those signings??

I believe so...according to the press release I read, it said to contact the promoter for shipping rates and payment types accepted, so that's what I took it as (i.e., mail orders).

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LARRY GRANT, #6, former Linebacker for The Ohio State University will be signing at the Buckeye Room at the Polaris Mall on SATURDAY, February 16 from Noon-2:00PM. When you purchase an item (photo, mini helmet, football, etc) you will receive ONE FREE signature and each additional signature will be $5. For more information, please call 614 841 0355.

LARRY GRANT, #6, former Linebacker for The Ohio State University will be signing at the Buckeye Room at the Tuttle Crossing Mall on SATURDAY, February 16 from 3:00-4:30PM. When you purchase an item (photo, mini helmet, football, etc) you will receive ONE FREE signature and each additional signature will be $5. For more information, please call 614 336 8240.

LARRY GRANT, #6, former Linebacker for The Ohio State University will be signing at the Buckeye Room at The Shops at Lane Ave on MONDAY, February 18 from 7:00-8:00PM. When you purchase an item (photo, mini helmet, football, etc) you will receive ONE FREE signature and each additional signature will be $5. For more information, please call 614 487 8239.
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