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Buckeye Autograph Sessions (all merged)

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NastyDogg72;1094780; said:
Cleveland Auto Show at the Cleveland IX Center

Cleveland Auto Show

Friday, Feb. 29: The OSU Buckeyes Football Night sponsored by your Northern Ohio Pontiac Dealers welcomes future NFL stars Vernon Gholston & Kirk Barton and 2007 Heisman Trophy winner Troy Smith (6pm-8pm)

Is it possible or likely this will be my only shot at a Vernon Gholston autograph in Ohio? If so I'll have to cut my afternoon class tommorow :biggrin: :oh:, Any idea on cost of these autographs?
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The signing was last night and was from my view a lot better then last year's with ginn,gonzo and pittman. The signing was free with admission to the auto show so you got the 3 autographs for $12. I got to the auto show at 2pm for the 6pm signing and got my autographs at 7pm and as usual there was a huge line still waiting just like years past so i'm sure people didn't get autographs that waited for a long time. All 3 were nice and signed what you asked but you had to ask.
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w.w.hayes;1105345; said:
The signing was last night and was from my view a lot better then last year's with ginn,gonzo and pittman. The signing was free with admission to the auto show so you got the 3 autographs for $12. I got to the auto show at 2pm for the 6pm signing and got my autographs at 7pm and as usual there was a huge line still waiting just like years past so i'm sure people didn't get autographs that waited for a long time. All 3 were nice and signed what you asked but you had to ask.

Whoa if you got Troys alone for $12 thats huge!!! Did they sign anything? (i.e. helmets and jerseys)
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Yeh they signed whatever you had and if you wanted Troy to sign his name along with Heisman '06 you had to ask him to sign it like that. He signed it HT '06 under his name which was nice. He had a handler sitting next to him keeping an eye on things but all in all he was nice about things. Plus it was one autograph per player so the line was moving pretty good.
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osucollegebuck;1103913; said:
Is it possible or likely this will be my only shot at a Vernon Gholston autograph in Ohio? If so I'll have to cut my afternoon class tommorow :biggrin: :oh:, Any idea on cost of these autographs?

Vernon will be signing in col on march 12 from 730-900 at the frame shop.check out theosustore.com for more details
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I know this is really early but does anyone know when the Buckeyes open practice and autograph signing usually is? I've never been andI was hoping on going this year. I know last year there was a lesser turn then expected but with this years team looking very strong I figure there will be quite a bit more people there.
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w.w.hayes;1110967; said:
I know this is really early but does anyone know when the Buckeyes open practice and autograph signing usually is? I've never been andI was hoping on going this year. I know last year there was a lesser turn then expected but with this years team looking very strong I figure there will be quite a bit more people there.

their were too many people to my liking there last year as I only got Beanie and Malcolm's autograph LOL
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Open Practice

I went to the open practice two years ago. It was a disaster and despite picking the Tressel, Troy, Gonzo line, I walked with nothing.

In contrast, last years' session was ran exceptionally well. They gave you a handout to say which players were at which tables, and a timer on the scoreboard to let you know when the players would have to stop. I left with 34 signatures on a full-size helmet, including Laurinaitis, J O'Neal, Saine, Small, Beanie Wells, Jenkins, Freeman, & Gholston.

I will definitely be there this year to support the team. Here's hoping they run it in a similar fashion.
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StClair185;1111343; said:
I went to the open practice two years ago. It was a disaster and despite picking the Tressel, Troy, Gonzo line, I walked with nothing.

In contrast, last years' session was ran exceptionally well. They gave you a handout to say which players were at which tables, and a timer on the scoreboard to let you know when the players would have to stop. I left with 34 signatures on a full-size helmet, including Laurinaitis, J O'Neal, Saine, Small, Beanie Wells, Jenkins, Freeman, & Gholston.

I will definitely be there this year to support the team. Here's hoping they run it in a similar fashion.

I think it was a blast just being down on that field!!!! :oh:
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Just got this from the Buckeye Corner:



Friday March 14, 6-8pm Easton
Kirk Barton, Vernon Gholston, Tyler Whaley

Friday March 21, 6-8pm Sawmill Road
Kirk Barton, Dionte Johnson, Alex Barrow

Saturday March 22, 1-3pm Polaris
Vernon Gholston, Tyler Whaley, Larry Grant

Saturday March 29, 12-2pm Lane Avenue
Larry Grant, Dionte Johnson, Trever Robinson,
Alex Barrow

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