Tiger's style of play on the course mandated that he have many, many 40+ foot putts, you dont hole those very often.
If he had chosen to play the course like the rest of the field, he probably would have putted "average," but would have assuredly lost strokes elsewhere (bunkers, rough, etc.).
He was dominant though
Tiger's # of putts for the tourney were 28, 28, 34, 31. My point was he had on an off day on Saturday in terms of putting. Had he achieved an average day he would have left the entire field in his wake. A two stroke victory was impressive but he could have won by 5-8 shots. By the way Tiger averaged 30 putts a round while the average for the field was 30.5. He was just a machine in hitting fairways (86%) dure to his game plan of putting the driver away. The rest of the field averaged 67%. Tiger's GIR was an outstanding 80.5%, the rest of the field 66.6%. just an awesome display.