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Brady "XLLL" Hoke (Head Coach San Diego State)

BlufftonBuckeye;2264683; said:

He told reporters "It's a non-story."

This asshole does a lot of things that could be construed as disrespectful, then says things like, "Oh, I don't mean anything by it."

You're either stupid, an asshole, or both.
I am a little pissed.
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holybuckeye33;2264726; said:
"At first I was all like..."


"But then I was like..."


You, sir, are no Woody Hayes.
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NorthCoastKid;2264718; said:
Masterful troll job by the stadium camera crew by showing that fat [censored]er on the scoreboard right before the game ended.

That was fantastic. The smirk he made when he realized he was on the scoreboard--and that it was he who the entire stadium was booing--is something I will always remember.

Such a well timed kick in the dick.
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