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Brady "XLLL" Hoke (Head Coach San Diego State)

Man, ain't google images great?



And Yep...
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BIgger issue with narduzzi is would they be willing to first ask msu for permission to talk to him (i think you need to do thst right, he is under a contract w/ msu) and then offer an msu guy the job with a real chance he'll say no thanks. I'm not sure their collective egos could handle that.
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BIgger issue with narduzzi is would they be willing to first ask msu for permission to talk to him (i think you need to do thst right, he is under a contract w/ msu) and then offer an msu guy the job with a real chance he'll say no thanks. I'm not sure their collective egos could handle that.

Smart thing for MSU to do is let Nard go talk to them and feign interest, draw out the negotiations and then back out of the deal at the.very.last.second.
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I am pissed that Muschamp isn't on this list.

I'm pissed Weis isn't on the list

I only see Schiano as a realistic option on that lists and I can envision him even saying no. IMO, scUM ends up with an up and coming coordinator from a lower tier D1 school. And he uses it as a resume builder, because he won't be able to resurrect this shit show either. Another shot in the dark as a possibility is Al Golden to get fed up with Cryami and go to scUM
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