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Brady "XLLL" Hoke (Head Coach San Diego State)

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Going back to the first few pages of this thread is great

A less than stellar hire, for sure. But I am sad to say that I doubt he will bring the comedy of his predecessor.
:slappy: never underestimate the power of a michigan man.
In all honesty he's probably going to be a good coach or at least I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt until he proves me wrong... I'm never going to take Ohio State-Michigan for granted..
Brady must have taken this as a challenge.
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Michigan V Ohio State: Win Or Lose, Brady Hoke Stays

The interim Athletic Director went on to comment about how impressed he has been with Brady Hoke’s ability to maintain a leadership presence despite the turmoil surrounding his program.

“I’ve really enjoyed the time in talking to him,” Hackett said. “I’ve learned more and more what he’s had to address and deal with. Every football coach I’ve known in my life, and I’ve known more than the one that I played for I would tell you it’s always not obvious all the variables that they are managing in a very complex way to have the best outcomes. There’s probably always two stories, what our fans see and the product on the field and there’s things they don’t see that they have to manage through. In Brady’s case, the progress we’re making in academics is the best in recent times, under Brady. So he’s managing that. The values that he stands for. That really matters in a football program. He’s managing that. And he’s dealing with a quarterback’s down or somebody can’t play. When you mix all that up, that’s what defines great coaches.”

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