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Brady "XLLL" Hoke (Head Coach San Diego State)

In Brady’s case, the progress we’re making in academics is the best in recent times, under Brady. So he’s managing that. The values that he stands for. That really matters in a football program. He’s managing that. And he’s dealing with a quarterback’s down or somebody can’t play. When you mix all that up, that’s what defines great coaches.”

Values? That's a good one, right there. :slappy:

Frank Clark says hello, Mr. AD.
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“I’m sorry to use the phrase, ‘This is Michigan’,” he said. “If I’m a recruit and I’m staring at the history of this place and the academic standards… and what it’s like to be in that Big House next door, we have a fantastic story and it doesn’t depreciate with three or four weeks.”

Just 3 or 4 weeks? :slappy::jt:
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