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Brady "XLLL" Hoke (Head Coach San Diego State)

Brady Hoke is a negative recruiter. By that I mean instead of recruiting kids to Michigan, he de-recruits them away from Michigan. Here's where the Michigan's 2015 Class of De-Commitments stands as of today:

Michigan's 2015 Class of De-Commitments
1. Damien Harris (Scout 4*, #5 RB, #53 overall, 216 points)
2. George Campbell (Scout 4*, #8 WR, #55 overall, 213 points)
3. Mike Weber (Scout 4*, #10 RB, #77 overall, 211 points)
4. Darrin Kirkland (Scout 4*, #6 MLB, #120 overall, 215 points)
5. Darian Roseboro (Scout 4*, #14 DT, #145 overall, 207 points)
6. Shaun Crawford (Scout 4*, #19 CB, #157 overall, 202 points)
7. Garrett Taylor (Scout 4*, #30 CB, #270 overall, 191 points)

The above seven players have a combined 1,455 recruiting "points" in Scout's system. A recruiting class with just those seven players would currently rank as the 37th best recruiting class in the country.

Michigan's seven current verbals have a combined 1,303 recruiting points, which currently ranks as the 44th best recruiting class in the country.

Great job, Brady! Keep up the good work!

Hoke is gone; Hacket knows it, and Hoke knows it too. If they let Hoke stay another year they would just prolong the inevitable. With no decent recruits coming in next year they would be even shittier next year than they are this year.

I like that....please give him another year!!!!

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"The process of evaluating the coach at the end of the season is a really certain mark on the stage that I know I had to do," Hackett said. "I'm really comfortable with the fact this guy has done an extraordinary job in very difficult times. You wait for the moment. … It's almost like a solemn ceremony because it's a deep respect for him and a deep respect for the process you go through to make a decision like that."

Just sayin': Hacket must have a really low bar for his definition of what an "extraordinary job" is.

hoke's job approval rating in east lansing, columbus, and south bend is extraordinary.
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"The process of evaluating the coach at the end of the season is a really certain mark on the stage that I know I had to do," Hackett said. "I'm really comfortable with the fact this guy has done an extraordinary job in very difficult times. You wait for the moment. … It's almost like a solemn ceremony because it's a deep respect for him and a deep respect for the process you go through to make a decision like that."

Just sayin': Hacket must have a really low bar for his definition of what an "extraordinary job" is.


This is just PR speak for 'We are yet to identify anyone stupid enough to drive this flaming garbage truck."

At this point, for them to find someone qualified to pull their program out of the flat spin that it's in, they will have to fine someone who is a rare blend of stupid and arrogant. On top of that, given their last two attempts which sought a quick fix by bringing in someone who had an exciting offense and then replace him with a *ichigan *an -- up comer who really wasn't coming up at all, their backs are firmly planted against a wall. They have to hit a home run with the next hire. Short of hitting a home run, the initial six-year swoon that was predicted with the hiring of RR may turn into a solid two decade period of complete we're so fucked-a-tude.
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"The process of evaluating the coach at the end of the season is a really certain mark on the stage that I know I had to do," Hackett said. "I'm really comfortable with the fact this guy has done an extraordinary job in very difficult times. You wait for the moment. … It's almost like a solemn ceremony because it's a deep respect for him and a deep respect for the process you go through to make a decision like that."

Just sayin': Hacket must have a really low bar for his definition of what an "extraordinary job" is.

Or, he is on the Ohio State payroll. :evil:
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This is just PR speak for 'We are yet to identify anyone stupid enough to drive this flaming garbage truck."

At this point, for them to find someone qualified to pull their program out of the flat spin that it's in, they will have to fine someone who is a rare blend of stupid and arrogant. On top of that, given their last two attempts which sought a quick fix by bringing in someone who had an exciting offense and then replace him with a *ichigan *an -- up comer who really wasn't coming up at all, their backs are firmly planted against a wall. They have to hit a home run with the next hire. Short of hitting a home run, the initial six-year swoon that was predicted with the hiring of RR may turn into a solid two decade period of complete we're so fucked-a-tude.
Stupid and arrogant hasn't really worked. They're going to think out of the box and try to do something new, maybe try arrogant and stupid for a change. :)
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