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Bracketology and Selection Sunday Discussion

My first run through without thinking through it... I have MSU vs tOSU and Fla vs Indiana in the F4. Then tOSU beating UF in the championship game. I will change it I am sure, but without really dissecting any match-ups a potential rematch with our SEC nemesis seems rather fun.
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Only once in the last 16 years have all four 2 seeds reached the Sweet 16. Ohio State, Georgetown, Duke, Miami - one of them is likely going home next weekend.
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I'm not sure I like all of the love we're getting from the "experts" tonight.

All of the ESPN guys have us in the Final Four. Jay Williams has us cutting down the nets.
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Jake;2316500; said:
I'm not sure I like all of the love we're getting from the "experts" tonight.

All of the ESPN guys have us in the Final Four. Jay Williams has us cutting down the nets.

Kinda balanced out by the guys on CBS whole seemed to forget that OSU is even in the tournament (from what I heard).

I would prefer this team to go unnoticed though. They need to be as focused as possible this coming week. If they can lock in and play like they did in the B1G, they can go a long way.
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CBS's experts mentioned only 1 Big Ten team, Indiana. Each of three named their final four and Indiana got one vote out of 12 possible. Miami, Duke, Arizona and Gonzaga got all the love.

Watching the field of 64 shape up I was reminded that as bad as the BCS/bowl system seems at least they honor teams that have to play somebody to get in.
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